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Old 2012-01-10, 21:18   Link #1065
Mr Hat and Clogs
Did someone call a doctor
Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 40
I kind of hope DBM style mods don't come to TOR I'd rather people watch the encounter instead. Only things I'd like to see are a few UI changes really.

- Target of Target
- Own debuff emphasis, so you don't confuse your own dots with other players
- Limited form of power aura's, or more obvious audio/visual queues so its more evident when self skills proc (consumption for sorcerers)
- Combat log for POST GAME analysis. But I'm willing to concede for an ingame one if it cannot be linked in chat and doesn't compare you directly to others. Purely for self improvement.
- Ability to move UI frames around the screen, or ability to further customise Operation frame (showing only debuffs and so on)

Other then that I think things are fine and dandy, but I might have forgotten stuff.

Oh, turn off the auto-self cast, it's damn annoying at times.
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