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Old 2013-02-11, 19:54   Link #150
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Caribbean
Originally Posted by gibits View Post
I gues you could call me one of those Uchiha "haters". Tobirama had good cause to not trust the Uchiha, after what Madara did. But yet he placed them in a position of power He made them into the military police, basically put them in charge of the safety of the village. I know Kishimoto is tryin to make it out like they were "segregated" but segregation in the USA involved blacks being powerless, not heading the police force.
The Uchiha still rationalizing that they are somehow the victims is just laughable. Wanting to revolt just because they didn't get good real estate IS a good reason to be put down by Itachi.
Tobirama gave them a chance to regain the village's trust and they blew it. So what if they were suspected for the 9 tails' attack? An Uchiha WAS responsible for it. They should have just swallowed their pride and slowly regain the village's trust instead of plotting a revolt and confirming Tobirama's sterotypes of them.
After reading this chapter I'm glad Itachi did what he did. The clan was hopeless from the start.
Last I checked, he put them in a so called position of power because he was fearful of their mental condition making them more powerful + crazy and wanted to keep them in check. He was trying to use their condition soley for the benefit of the village, nothing more. That's his opinion on the Clan, he saw them as emofied and hopeless and doesn't regard their welfare unlike his brother Harishima.
Oh and speaking of powerless, they were, they had no Uchiha clan member involved/representation in the governing of Konoha's affairs, hence they had no voice or input into the runninngs of konoha (a village they had a hand in forming). That's what the Military Police was for, remember? They didn't revolt to get real estate, they just wanted the village elders to hear them out.
And with regards to the nine-tails attack, keyword: suspected, the clan didn't get a fair trail/hearing, they knew they were already being prejudiced by the village elders. This was due to the mistrust already planted by Tobirama and later on fueled by the false accusations of the 9-tails attack which led to Danzo's massacre order to gain their eyes for his nefarious ends.

so I'm guessing your'e okay with mass murder when one clan member does something that his clan wasn't remotely responsible for but since they're from the same clan, it's all the same to you: peter pay's for paul paul pay's for all

I'm sure if Harishima would've reigned a little longer, the Uchiha might've actually gotten proper representation, learn to trust the Senju clan more, close old wounds and actually got along. Why else would Harishima try to call out his brother on bad-talking the clan. After all, it's this same evil clan that outsed their own maniac leader Madara for this guy.

Tobirama did what he did because he lived through those war-torn era battling with the Uchiha Clan back & forth and still didn't trust them, the agreement was made between Madara and Harishima (I'm sure Tobirama didn't like it since he still sees them as oil & water). Which is why he seems prejudiced to me and I can also see where Danzo got this ideal of the village stability over others, it was from him.

If you wanna call yourself a bigoted hater that's fine by me but think before you actually post and don't get blinded by the haterade
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