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Old 2012-12-05, 17:41   Link #129
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
And you keep missing out an important factor- This is more than just about what a bunch of faceless art fans want; Mashiro's work has the potential to go down in history as one of the great names of art. Even if not for her own sake of fame, but for generations to come to study and be inspired by like all the great masters that came before her- You may not care about fine arts but apparently there are more than enough people in this world that does so yes this is a big deal to throw it away to become an average to decent mangaka.
Inspired... that they too will be forced in a bird cage? Give me an example of one of these great masters that did it because other people forced them to do it. I want to hear more about this wonderful slave history you're all working so hard for.

If anything, all the great masters worked against the system, against the "things other people thought as the only `masterpiece` that matter" or as the only "goal in life, that matters". If Mashiro stays (in peace) with those around her she cherishes she may just invent her own new form of art, or rather continue to develop her art form, since if there's anything all artists strive for is to have a little something they can call their own; not to hold the record as the best human-printingpress in history.

You know all those world record holders? How many do you know their name? Can you even count them on your fingers? Greatness is not measured in what you do, but how you live your life. Ask an average person on the street what they know about the great masters and you'll here more trivia about them then things like what painting they painted, what music they made, or how many concerts they held.

Originally Posted by Reckoner
I will invoke an extreme example here... Suppose someone is brilliant at biology, and with their abilities they might be able to find ways to cure cancer or some other epidemic in the world. Yet, because they don't use their talents and instead do something else, we will never get that. Can we force the person to do biology? No, but we sure as hell can question their decision.
Your entire argument here is based on the word "may", it "may" be good. Wouldn't the person in question know better which "may" is smaller when they make their choices in life? Compared to someone with no experience, I like to think they would. And if you've got the experience, stop telling others and get off your ass and do it yourself. Why should strangers have more right to make the choice; numbers count for nothing.

Originally Posted by Reckoner
People would die to have that gift. People around her will rightfully feel indignant. They would feel cheated by life here, and it's a very natural reaction.
They would, yet nobody comes close to her but the ones at Sakurasou. "They would die for" eh, but they can't spare a moment to visit her, to tak to her, to at least sent her fan mail. The lazy deserve no pity! Talent needs wings to fly too, it's not Shiina's fault her english art fans are not those wings; if anything they had plenty of time, yet here she is in Japan...
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