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Old 2013-02-18, 05:27   Link #140
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
Speaking of which...the humans possess the Minoshiro knowledge...yet decent weaponry is in short supply. No one has made indiscriminate killing methods like minefields and indirect artillery fire with which one can kill without even knowing what he killed.

Such would be of so much use against Akki or Bakenezumi
Well, it's not like they have wars or anything to use weapons for. The humans in this story are generally very peaceful, to the point where the idea of wars between humans, or their ancestors enjoying bloody "sports" upsets them a great deal. Plus, there are so few of them, a war would potentially wipe them out... And in any case, a minefield would be of no use anyway (it would be more dangerous to the general population than to an akki or gouma), and indirect fire still requires someone using it with an intention to kill (and someone else ordering this person to use it which also means ordering them to die... ).

And against bakenezumi they've always had their power.
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