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Old 2013-10-11, 09:32   Link #1605
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
The relative of the forest seemed far away despite being a mere hundred meters from the ruined buildings. It was absolute bad luck that they been caught straight in the open. Yuuhi glanced at her only remaining bodyguard, Kyoko, whose hand clenched her gun tightly. If the Shogun had any doubt that the situation was as bad as it could possibly be, the immobility of the female female was a dead giveaway. A single movement, a single attempt to take out the approaching figure and the two TSFs lighting their position with their projectors would tear them apart. Slowly the military wearing rebels approached, settling in a line like firing squad.

"Forgive us, your Majesty." The Japanese rebel leading the squad voiced in a soft and grave tone. "But this is for the greater good." He stood before his squad, all of them with their rifles ready to fire.

"You goddamn traitors." Kyoto swore as she placed herself before Yuuhi.

"A often used justification for all mass-murderers thorough History." The shogun ignored her bodyguard, instead starring at the leader with an outward expression that belittled her trembling legs. "If you chose to betray your comrades, your people and all those who trusted you. Then at least your conviction should be strong enough to do what need to be done. Do not expect my forgiveness, do not seek it if your reasons and wills are that weak." Her voice was steady and she was immensely thankful that her legs didn't just give under her. Her words stuck and the eyes of the man looked away and more than one man in his squad flinched. For one moment she felt a brief flicker and hope, crushed as the leader shook his head.

"Be as it may, your Majesty. We've already gone this far, we cannot stop and turn back anymore." The man raised his hand and the soldiers behind him raised their rifles, various yet unreadable expression on their faces. Kyoko moved, the guard projecting herself toward Yuuhi in a futile hope to preserve her liege from death. Yuuhi saw her yet remained immobile, her brain numb as the leader's hand came down, and all but him stilled as his head exploded. His brains and blood echoed the red lightning bolt which had just struck him. A second bolt hit a soldier with the same deadly precision, a third came, then a fourth, a fifth. Bodies were still falling as both sides moved.

"Spread out!" The voice of one rebel reached the ears of the Shogun. Then a still moving Kyoko impacted with Yuuhi, grabbed her and rolled with them both. Yuuhi felt air leaving her lungs, the world twisted around. Unbalanced the Shogun saw her guard steady herself on a knee and spring into a run. A seventh and sixth soldier fell to the invisible attacker. Yet the rest of the rebel squad was already taking cover in the ruins and one leveled his weapon at Yuuhi and her bodyguard, pressed the trigger.

The volley was suddenly cut short as a more conventional bullet slammed into the soldier's chest, courtesy of Yoroi. Still three bullets came, one missing and the last two embedding themselves into Kyoko arms. Blood dripped from Kyoko along with most unladylike words as the impacts compromised her fragile balance. "Hold tight Yuuhi-sama!" The woman's strained voice reached Yuuhi just before Kyoko threw both of them over the remain of a wall. The damaged upper part ripping into Yuuhi's white clothes and scratching her skin. A minor discomfort, quickly followed by both of them landing on the ground.

Yuuhi laid disoriented, her gaze fell upon one of the TSF and her brain briefly wondered why they hadn't fired yet. In hindsight the TSFs had apparently turned toward the unknown attacker, then hesitated in their turn as the Shogun's group. It was their first mistake, their second was to continue at the unknown attacker. "Wh-?" A scream booming over the speaker followed by multiple heavy noises were incomprehensible. Bright lights shone over the place along with plaster flying. Then the TSF in Yuuhi's sight came on the receiving end of enormous red bolts, blasting the detectors with ridiculous accuracy. In a frighteningly brief interval the joints of the giant machine received three bolts each and the chest went down to the ground. A single last bolt wrecked the lock and sealed the pilot inside the cockpit. The earlier sound were probably the other TSF suffering the same fate.

"Stay covered your majesty!" Was the only signal Kyoko gave before shoving Yuuhi against the wall, the woman finally managing to stand up after two seconds of forcing back the pain of her wounded arm hitting the ground first.

"This is quite a show." The incongruously calm but welcome voice of Yoroi commented. The intelligence officer in a trench coat arriving God knew when by her side gave Yuuhi a smile before pecking over the wall and started firing with his handgun. Kyoko soon joined him in firing at their opponents spread over the ruins. Then Yoroi raised an eyebrow. "Now, I wonder who that is?"

At his words Yuuhi peeked over the wall, something which Kyoko would chew her for extensively should they both survive. That thought however became secondary as she caught sight of the no-longer invisible attacker. A single man walked toward them at a steady pace, firing as he went at the remnant of the squad. The stranger was a walking impossibility and for a moment Yuuhi wondered if she had suddenly steeped into another world. The man whose profile left no doubt about his gender was hooded and his clothes weren't anything Yuuhi recognized. Yet all that seemed unimportant as she caught sight of the enormous weapon in his right hand. It was a gun, a enormous gun more fitting as a mounted tripod than handheld weapon. Sleek in design, the weapon was firing enormous red bolts like condensed lasers which put the small but deadly bolts of the handgun laser-whatever in his left to shame. Because yes, the stranger was wielding the humongous heavy weapon one-handed. The dual wielding of weapons of disproportionate caliber made the stranger's accurate firing all the more astonishing. On top of that, the man was still advancing and neither his balance nor his aim seemed to suffer from swinging both weapons around at their targets. It was an inhuman display of skills, a breaking of physical laws made flesh.

A volley of bullets hitting a nearby wall made Yuuhi drew back hurriedly and focused back into the rebels. A cautious glance over the wall revealed that most were already dead. Most of the still surviving ones were more focused with the newcomer than the Shogun's party, a justified decision considering the difference of displayed skills and firepower. Which didn't prevent the rebels from being shredded to fuming pieces as their covers proved utterly ineffective against the huge laser weapon. One soldier engaged with Kyoko from twenty meters away discovered that as the wall between him and the stranger vanished under a big bolt. Though the man had no time to realize that, Yuuhi was thankful for the darkness concealing the worst of the fuming severed members and head falling as the chest supporting them was gone.

"Beware lady!" Yoroi's voice drew his attention, but she discovered she wasn't speaking to him, but rather her chamberlain. The Grand Shogun felt a flicker of fear as she saw the old lady firing a handgun from behind a pole at a rebel kneeling behind a wall. The soldier thankfully didn't seem too interested in engaging in a firefight as he was trying to get away from the stranger before said stranger got line of sight on him. Yuuhi felt her fear grow as the man raised his rifle at the old woman. The pole was little protection and Yuuhi knew that her Chamberlain had no training with firearms. A fact which was confirmed by her repeated failure at hitting anything of particular importance, it would take a miracle for the old woman to hit the soldier but as he raised himself to fire it seemed he didn't want to take the chance that a stray bullet found him.

An impact. The stray bullet and miracle happened just at this moment in a defiance to all odds before Yuuhi's eyes. Her eyes started to widen just like the rebel whose forehead received the bullet, a second bullet slammed home which was Yoroi and fired before the first had reached. A quarter of second later the rebel's head disintegrated as a small laser bolt blasted it. And then the impacts of one of the fallen TSF seemed to finally shatter the balance of the nearby building, which promptly collapsed upon the triply dead man. Two tons of rubble and a entire wall crushing the rebel body. "Now, that was overkill." Yoroi commented with dry astonishment. Under his hood and hidden to Yuuhi the strange unknowingly rose an agreeing eyebrow.

Silence fell over the place. Yuuhi turned her head and saw the hooded stranger continue to walk toward them, the man slung the enormous weapon over his shoulder. Yuuhi's astonishment reached its limit when she saw the tripod-sized gun changing shape, turning into a small backpack.

"Where is the shogun?" The indisputably male voice asked, not stopping as he continued his unshakable advance over the rebels corpses toward them. A cold shiver went through Yuuhi's body as she heard the steadiness of the approaching man, noted that whoever it was still had his small but deadly handgun. It was pointed at them too.

"Stop! Cease your advance!" Kyoko's warning echoed in the night. It would have been much more reassuring if Yuuhi hadn't noticed how hard tightly she clenched her own gun. The stranger turned something on his weapon, then fired from the hip. His disdainous-looking shot struck true once more. Yuuhi felt a brief moment of dread as Kyoko screamed, then blinked as she saw the honor guard hurriedly let go of her gun as if it was burning her. It was, as she realized later, an exact description of the power-lowered laser hitting the gun metal.

"Is she safe then?" The man aimed at Kyoko but didn't bother with another shot, the honor guard freezing under the plain threat. Or perhaps, Kyoko had realized that barking that order when the balance of power was so titled against her had given away the VIP presence. Then Yuuhi blinked her blue eyes as she saw a single shadow approach almost from behind the stranger. She barely noticed the chamberlain approaching her discretely, just couple dozen meters more. The stranger suddenly turned, he had barely started his turn when a light voice spoke.

"Yes, she is." Yoroi Sakon calmly told the stranger as if hadn't been ready to jump on the stranger if the man had turned a dozen meters later. "In order to ensure that this fortunate state of things remain however, I like you to sheath that gun." The intelligence officer added as the stranger observed him warily, clearly wondering if he should just shot, though his gun was aimed at Yoroi's leg. Then the unknown man let out a light chuckle.

"That would be harming her." The comment prompted a raised eyebrow from Yoroi. "More will be coming soon, hence I humbly suggest to get moving before they get here." Yuuhi hesitated half a second, then she reached her decision ignoring the startled whimper of the chamberlain as she moved.

"That sound like an advice worthy of consideration." Yuuhi steeped from behind the wall, she heard Kyoko swear on her right but kept her gaze on the stranger's back. The man didn't even hesitate to turn away from Yoroi, although she noted that any further attempt of Yoroi at the stranger was stopped as the stranger casually aimed his gun behind him at Yoroi. She forced herself to ignore the disappointed expression of the intelligence officer and focused on the stranger.

The Grand shogun thanked her self-control training which allowed her to keep a calm, untroubled expression even as she advanced toward possible death. Yuuhi felt a faint blush as she thought of her back where the clothes were partly torn, thankfully it wasn't on the side where the man could see it. The stranger watched her walk toward him wordlessly, his eyes detailing her from head to toe. Many emotions flew over his face for a brief moment, then he nodded. "Let's get moving then."
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