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Old 2004-04-16, 02:23   Link #28
Ambience Blue
Fate/Stay Delight
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Caster's Magic Ball ^^
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Mentar

He came to Haruka, straight-faced. "We need to talk" without a trace of a smile - those with experience in relationships know that the issue for this talk won't be a pleasant one. On the beach, Haruka is kissing Takayuki fiercely, and he doesn't react at all. Instead, he eventually explains that he loves Mitsuki and that he wants to dedicate the rest of his life to heal her wounds in return.

In the entire episode he never even hinted about staying with Haruka. He came to say goodbye, and that's what he did.
Mentar, up to a point I agree with you. Takayuki came to Haruka with a purpose. And yes, Haruka tried to kiss him and he explains where he is. But I don't think he was necessarily there to say goodbye. I don't believe that the Takayuki character really changed that much. Much like his previous self, he merely came to see what would come and passively take what may come. He himself couldn't do it. But Haruka could, and that was her gift to him. In a sense, he was there hoping that she would make the decision for him. Like an earlier post, he was basically being set free. That episode, he also reacts with surprise when Haruka asks him, "Shall we part?"

I suppose in a sense, then Mentar, you're right. Takayuki came to somehow resolve the situation. But he, himself, was not strong enough a character to make the decision himself. I think that the real character change finally comes to him when he goes to find Mitsuki. Other than when he tries to carry the limp Haruka out of the hospital (and that's only b/c he was mad) that's the only time he takes the initiative. Haruka basically let Takayuki go to Mitsuki. She's the one who finally saves him. That's her gift.

Just a thought.
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