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Old 2006-02-16, 06:13   Link #356
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
Originally Posted by Akuma-sama
That's the thing; they're a religion. Look at how Erstin got commanded by Smith; the letters are kinda like "Time to prove yourself to your god, he has a mission for you to accomplish." It's not a matter of being evil, it's a matter of belief; if they truly believe their god (old Sauron-with-a-hat) will reward them for their actions, they'll do it.

Don't try to put rationality into it; when it comes to religion, humans tend to be stupid.

If you want real-life comparison, look at what Bin Laden and others like him are doing using 'jihad' for in their 'campaigns' and the concept of suicide bombers. Why else would people go to their own deaths if Allah wouldn't reward their faithfulness to destroying heathens as he commanded? (Whether or not Allah commanded them or not is an entirely different truckload of worms.)

Anyway, I brought that up to show the startling similarity that Schwartz has, in that respect, to Bin Laden's group (can't spell the last name of it - Al Q-something). They both promise the favor and blessings of God if they perform a task that, normally, the people would abhor. Fanatical religion is not for the weak-minded - sorry Erstin. ^^; While I'm on it, it seems that the Schwartz higher-ups are just using the 'Dark Light God' as a way to secure followers/summoners to gain their objectives to 're-acquire' the Colonization Era technology and 'spread it to the world' via their fingers instead of Garderobe's.

Erstin's the nicest, most cuddly 15 year old I've seen but she was also weak-minded. If only she had known Arika and Nina earlier in life, she might have be able to find something substantial in what she had found in her two friends and the other Corals to resist Smith's commands to destroy them.
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