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Old 2009-03-12, 18:30   Link #52
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Oh and I think this series already gets enough leeway from me as it is....most people don't even seem to bother to really critique it so I wouldn't mind being the first to point out some of the flaws in the overall storyline since it seems like nobody else ever bothers too. It's the finale so I might as well go all out now:

Spoiler for Why I wasn't sold on this ending:

Sorry, but after episode 18 I really did expect a lot more from this series and had raised my expectations. I guess I expected too much. Hence why this episode gets a 6/10. In the end the series will probably end up with a 7/10. I enjoyed quite a few more parts of it then I thought it would, but in the end to me it's just another KeyAni story and to me that's not enough to push it to the next level I was really hoping for after episode 18.

I'm only left to imagine though what would happen if this type of ending happened for any show other then Clannad with it's seemingly impenetrable criticism shield. Holy crap would that show just get ripped to pieces.
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