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Old 2013-07-29, 11:00   Link #28
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Originally Posted by GDB View Post
So, saw the movie yesterday. I actually really enjoyed it. Wasn't super amazing or anything, but it was at least better than X3, Wolverine Origins, Superman, and possibly better or on par with Iron Man 3 (hard to gauge since I may put a bias towards Wolverine, given that 90% of the movie is in Japan with real Japanese being spoken).


Also, stay for the mid-credit clip, as it's a lead-in to Days of Future Past.
Watched the movie in cinema yesterday, and I didn't know at all it existed until it got released in my country last Friday.

As far as I could tell, this film felt to me more like a side-story to Wolverine threading together his past experiences in both X3: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins; the plot of the movie focuses on how Wolverine is dealing with the aftermath after the events of X3.

It doesn't shed anything knew about the character, or bringing to topic the issue of how he can resolve his lost memories dilemma.

The film itself wasn't boring, but the romantic scenes involving Mariko and Logan together do not add chemistry into their mix; Jean and Logan in the dream world fit the perfect match.

If you're a hardcore fan exclusively to the Wolverine, then this move is for you. As for myself, the post-credits scene is the only moment that's worth my money well spent, as I separated it from the rest of the movie.

In fact, it is thanks to that post-credit scene that I learn that X-Men 4, Days of Future Past, is on its way very soon.
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