Thread: Licensed Sekirei / Jupiterjukers
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Old 2010-04-14, 03:22   Link #2775
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by KiNA View Post
I must have missed it .. but why did Kuu called Kazehana Fuuchan?
Kuu named Kazehana fuu-chan.... becouse of Futton "wind" and the end -chan... is usually used by children towards elder ones (onee-chan, onii-chan ect)

about Miya.... well she doesnt hold a grudge against minato... its not his doing of what his parents could have done.... when minato introduced himself Miya smiled nicely... and allowed him to move in.... if she hated him she would not agree for this....

I guess miya is like minatos mom and sister.... they love to tease minato becouse he is soo pure.... she said that minatos sekirei are too good for him....yet later with sad expression she showed concern for minato... that the last award will be the last sekirei.....she knows minatos character and so loseing all his sekirei except 1last.... will be too hard for him.... huge suffering and trauma....(she knows how it feels to lose someone you love duo her lose of takehito)

her keeping sekirei separated from minato... is for 2things.... 1) let minato sleep in peace since with soo many sekirei around him its too hot he cant sleep and its bad for health....... 2) it puts minatos sekirei in feeling tension...they will do their best to protect minato and even get a hug,kiss,pat as reward ^^ (look at tsukiumi and her reaction to seein minato beign kissed by someone else... she shows random powerups in the process duo the pilled up urge to be close to minato XD)

I doubt that Miya has any hate feelings towards minato... he is not his parents but he is himself.... someone that cares for sekirei not only his but others too (uzume, kuno) in her eyes is raher a good person ^^
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