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Old 2009-10-23, 10:43   Link #94
Shameless Fangirl
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Germany
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Kusa-San View Post
Killing for eating is not morally wrong.
If it's not for survival, then yes, I think it certainly is.

It's the life cycle which is natural . By saying it's wrong, you're saying that the life cycle is wrong.
Breeding animals for the sole purpose of killing them doesn't have much to do with the "cycle of life" (Simba would agree! xD).

Futhermore, by killing other animal you protect the life cycle and so you protect the ecosysteme and so you protect your eath so it can't be morally wrong.
The world's ecosystem is just fine without animal husbandry. In fact, it would be more than fine.

By the way, human are animal so we're just like any other animal in this aspect : we eat other animal for surviving.
Not for survival, no.
Except for very few cases, it's all for pleasure.

And futhermore, you're saying that killing animal is bad but when you're vegetarian you're killing life too even if it's not in the same form but for you it's not something wrong ?
No, because the probability that plants suffer to the same extent an animal with a central nervous system does is very, very small. Actually, they might very well not be able to feel pain at all - that's why there is no such thing as plant abuse.
Since I have to kill something to survive, I'll choose the one that suffers least.

Originally Posted by Ansalem View Post
Simply having a nervous system doesn't make humans and animals the same.
When it comes to the ability to feel pain and experience suffering - yes, it does.
Therefore, not having one would be a morally relevant difference.

Originally Posted by -KarumA- View Post
Of course you can frown, that is the beauty of today's modern world, you can have an opinion and not be hanged for it
*nods her head*
Well, people might still look at me strangely, but... that's all right!

Slavery and discrimination is another factor influenced by religion, because white over rules black in some patterns (I don't agree let me make that clear, do NOT call em a racist I am merely pointing out things from another person's view back in those days)
Hm, actually, slavery was very much around even before Christianity.

Remember that it took several wars before people realized as a majority that slavery was bad and it costs millions of lives before they said that it was forbid
same goes with racism
Which is why I don't expect the world to change over night.

There will always be judgmental people, that is for everything you can think of, you get judged every day not just for being a vegetarian or a meat eater it is when you look beyond these parts and understand why a person does something that you might learn to live with them and not think of them as being bad
I don't think people who eat meat are evil. I think they have some unwarranted, harmful beliefs and act according to them.
Actually, I'm not a very judgmental person, and I certainly don't see the world in black and white.

And only if vegetarians starts a civil war would eating meat be completely forbidden but I don't see that happening any time soon
Ah, only time will tell how this movement will develop.
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Last edited by Nogitsune; 2009-10-23 at 10:54.
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