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Old 2007-01-03, 00:55   Link #7
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
The other note about the Movable Frame is that it's a hell lot easier to fix or replace parts or armor blown away or damaged in combat. The One Year War MS, as previously mentioned, have a monocoque design, meaning it was one shell covering the unit. Thus it was a pain in the ass to fix things if they were internal problems (say a burnt-out wire or a snapped pivot link). Since the Movable Frame essentially allows you to just pull off the armor and certain parts, it's a lot easier to maintain than a monocoque-type MS.

Plus, when you talk about mass-producing such MS, it's a lot easier to find and attach said replacement parts in the field (i.e. in combat zones). A damaged mobile suit can fit parts from other (similar) MS easily. In an emergency, a repair crew can more quickly and easily fix up an MS with the movable frame "endoskeleton" by removing the part that's damaged, and swapping in a replacement--possibly from another damaged MS.
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