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Old 2007-08-04, 23:00   Link #4
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Something that Blue Mercy brought to my mind while reading that long write up. It is on Kallen.

We have seen her stick true to one goal, overall, since the start of the series... though it does wax and wane through the coarse of Season 1. That goal being the liberation of Japan, or the creation of a world where she can live happily and know that her brother's life was not wasted. Various episodes seem to show her growing more and more capable of dealing with the consequences of her dreams, and yet later the show seems to show that she can also come to doubt it (that or Suzaku simply knows how to flatter someone then slam a punch at their ideals). Does anyone beyond me find this a tad odd? Perhaps poor scripting or poorly thought out development, something to make her seem more and more capable of switching sides perhaps?

The reason I say this is that her goals center on the value of life and the desire to live a good life, yet if they are so easily waned by a single lecture from an enemy she comes off as a weak minded character. Which I highly doubt she is. It seems that the writers may try to force a change of character in her, which seems wrong. It would basically be the same thing as Lelouch deciding that Nanally wasn't worth it and its time to move on. Just that instead of a young girl and dead mother, you have a dead brother and an ill mother. I don't believe that she will abandon that ideal but the way her character is going I am not keeping my hopes up... or down .
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