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Old 2012-11-22, 14:43   Link #388
Ushio the Omega
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
So we have 5 no name fodder edo tensi plus Hayate a mere special jounin and Hidan (who at least is good for fun and fluid fight scenes) for the good guys to beat so that's good at least.

The reason we get so many fillers in Naruto is that for the first 2 arcs (kazekage rescue and Sai & Sasuke) they tried slowing the pace and it was HATED in Japan so they sped it up starting with the Hidan and Kakazu arc but had to start using filler lots and lots of filler.

Here's an example

kazekage rescue arc 37 chapters and 32 episodes

Sasuke defeating Orochimaru to Pain arriving outside Konoha 76 chapters and 36 episodes (excluding filler)

It is after all easier to skip filler epidoes than padding within canon episodes afterall.

One last thing, why is a waterfall ninja wearing a konoha style flak jacket with the symbol for Uzushiogakure rather than a waterfall flak jacket?
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