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Old 2012-02-07, 22:07   Link #21
Beta by Accident
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Maine
Age: 52
Originally Posted by Random32 View Post
Misaki must be alive.

The person that is being ignored must be chosen before the extra dead person is added because the act of choosing the person to be ignored requires acknowledgement of the person which means they aren't being ignored. Thus the person that is ignored can never be the extra dead person. Since Misaki was chosen to be ignored, she must be alive.
That logic makes complete sense, except it's never actually explained how the person ignored is actually picked. It might just be that "the person that sits in the back left corner doesn't exist" or some arbitrary rule like that. Or when the class roster is handed out at the beginning of the year, the teachers line out one student (like we saw), but that person might well be the dead one if his/her existence is already established in "memories." After all--the dead person is on that roster, or Kouichi and Mei could just count noses and go, "Hey, Izuki's not listed here! Get the exorcist!"

It's not really likely, but the idea that the writer would pull a last-second twist and reveal that one of the protagonists is the ghost (especially if the protagonists go from here on to work to try to end the curse forever) has some attraction as "the kind of thing writers do." I'm not saying it's so, just that the timing of Mei talking about how the dead person believes that he/she is actually alive comes so perfectly right after she assures Kouichi that she herself is alive.

That would, however, be cheesy, and thus far Another has only flirted with cheesiness (in the death scenes), so I'm hoping they don't go that route.
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