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Old 2014-02-01, 21:01   Link #9276
Feng Lengshun
Old Wine
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: In my Body
Originally Posted by RpR1337 View Post
~Snip~'re discussing about religions in the internet? Discussing about myths is one thing but discussing about religion is another. You just don't discuss about religion in the internet. You're lucky this is AnimeSuki and not SpaceBattles. Would have gotten you infraction and a lot of "counter-arguments".

But really, you're generalizing. What rights do you have to generalize all the gods into "Ego ego ego"? Even the experts only leaves the origins on myths as postulation and theories, because you can't generalize all of them into a single case. Especially not using an LN as a basis. And about the author understanding myths... *snort*, yeah he knows a lot, but he'll be a bigger laughingstock than his basis, Robert Graves. You just don't use 'postulations' (imagination) in history and myths, you use hard proofs. And yes, you're generalization, by the way. There are 6 billion humans and countless myths and religion in this world, and you're saying that all of them has basis in egos and everyone who has a religion are weak? Really? Your argument is flawed from the start since it uses generalization as the basis, and if you don't want to generalize things, then bring hard proofs that it really is like that and not just some things you made with your mind following a general parameters.

Humans acting like that if they have the powers of Gods is just another generalization. You're basically ignoring another, much more ancient thoughts on human getting powers in the Ring of Gyges myths. Power themselves are neutral, it can corrupt but only if you let it, if you used it right then it can instead bless. People becomes corrupted by power because they don't have the strength of character to handle it (that MIGHT be the reason for why Heretic Gods acts like that, they're pretty much were recently born after all and don't get much social experience to grow a stronger characters), on the level of power of a God... that depends, if it's omnipotence then the best option is to turn it down unless you really need it. If it's just the level of just some standard polytheistic god level power, then they have no excuse but themselves.

But still, are we really doing this? I mean, we're arguing and discussing about vaguely defined fictional story mechanics and lore using actual real life basis for it. Not only is that taking it a bit too seriously, there are almost always a counter-theories when you use actual theories as a basis. But the worst thing is we're stepping into the forbidden circle of religion for it. Seriously? Also, do remember that Political Correctness is a thing. Especially important when you're talking about religion, especially Islam. I'm a fairly tolerant person, but even I'm annoyed by the way you're talking about it, especially the jihad thing (snort, it was really a blatant mistake that anyone who tries to learn about Islam and Jihad would have known).
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