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Old 2012-09-09, 01:43   Link #2253
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Well, in actuality, any such A.Is would be designed so that they can think for themselves when is the time to press the button, just as well as any hypothetical human controller.

In addition, I'd suspect that it makes little sense to risk an expensive A.I as a Foot super soldier, when making it the "Knight" or Controller of a Platoon of Infantry drones or a Flight of UAVs would make far more sense. A.Is are the King Piece. Their pawns are the non sentient drones and automated weapon platforms under their command. Their role is to process a complex, increasingly automated battlefield far more efficiently than any Regimental Commander could hope to. j

Finally, I think more realistically too, there would be plans indeed to put these A.Is into the role of both Civil and even Military Administrative duties. The scope of deployment on their battlefield is likely to be rare- A.Is wouldn't magically erase WMDs, so I'd argue that most combat A.Is would be in Counter Terrorist and Military Strategizing and Logistics duties. And if there's a surplus of Military A.Is, many may well be redesigned or re-purposed for the Civilian Sector.

Indeed, this might be Kirito's gift to humanity. A.Is with a strong sense of principals, a great deal of autonomy and ultimately the competency to run just not the Battlefield, but humanity's cities and civil infrastructure upon which their militaries are based on.
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