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Old 2008-03-08, 13:11   Link #102
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by cowteats View Post
It's mentioned in the book 2 that not even the people living in Rubinhaigen know about the cancellation of the expedition until it is announced, at which the armor prices must have plunged immediately. Remerio Company is also one of the victims of this fall in prices, for they have invested a large sum of money in armor as well. And they didn't knew about the cancellation despite being a merchant living in Rubinhaigen. So there's no way Lawrence could have known about it in advance.

The merchant of Latopeiron in Poloson, however knew about it in advance, which was why he agree to Lawrence's purchase of armor (happily).
Yeah, that begs two questions:
- how did he know?
- how did everyone else not know?

It's just too big to be concealed. There were to many people who had to know. Or at least know something like that was up. For example, the hundred of unemployed mercenaries, now making the roads impracticable with their banditry? They know. The god knows how many merchants who sell stuff to the Church every year around this time period? They know. Whoever's working as personal servants or assistants for the bigwigs who usually go? They know.

And it's not like it could have happened overnight while Lawrence was between Pollson and Rubinhaigen, since the bandits were already active when he arrived in Pollson.
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