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Old 2011-06-23, 09:46   Link #11489
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou View Post
I'm not saying I'm opposed to romance in an action series period. I happen to like a bit of romance; it keeps things fresh, like you said. I'm just annoyed when they put the main character in a love triangle/will-they-won't-they/etc. because the writer(s) typically (not always, of course) get tied up in resolving it or pandering to the audience and they forget what the main character is supposed to be doing.
Lol, if there's one thing Kamachi doesn't do, it's pandering to his fans And even when he does throw us a bone, it's a fish bone.

Off topic, the only thing I find worse than "will-they-won't-they" is couples that do get together, break up, then get back together, then break up again... Commonly found in Western TV drama.
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