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Old 2011-07-15, 12:08   Link #5667
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by Ryus View Post
  • Bluenotes whole talk about all magics originally being one magic (and of anyone whom has traced magic the furthest back to it's roots its Hades, thus implying he can use many magics). Plus Bluenotes shock at someone like Cana using Fairy Glitter when so unskilled and weak, clearly implies he believed only someone old and wise could use all magic... Thus implying Hades might be the reason why he believes this.
  • Zancrow stated HADES taught him Fire God Slayer magic... I guess Nastu can't (as effectively) Nakama punch him if this turns out to be true and Hades can also use Fire Dragon Slayer magic
  • Ultear has used at least 3 different magics this arc: Arc of time, Ice Creation magic, and summoning that sword... Plus her flash back with Hades implies himself taught her Arc of Time. This to me implies Hades was beginning to teach her other magics too since she was "the most trusted"... Offtopic: I wonder why she of all people was trusted though?
  • Hades himself said he taught the 7 kin lost magic, not helped them develop it... clearly implying he taught them more directly than Makarov, whom just guided FT down the proper path and let them develop there magic on there own.
  • Makarov was shocked at how quickly Hades was summoning spells and Hades then stated "he danced with Magic freely" (could this mean he knows it all and can choose the best spell at uber skill levels whenever he wishes?)
I guess pretty much to the point, few minor things though: Despite being capable of using all those lost magics, they still DO come at a price as the Seven Kin showed. If Hades could use them all indiscriminately, what is the point for him of even giving them to his underlings? If he could do all that, he would not need them, other than for the pure fun of corrupting them and leading them astray like Jelly and Boobybitch

I do think though its highly likely his casting speed, the power he gets out of his spells and his versatility are unreal. If nobody sacrifices him or herself and nobody like Laxus shows he's gonna troll em bad, I agree. (or at least HE SHOULD TROLL EM BAD - never underestimate a mangaka being bent on the OOOGI - ULTIMATE SPARKLIN GOLDEN NAKAMA PUNCH (also known as mavis flamin fart) :facepalm)
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