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Old 2014-01-02, 10:55   Link #2
Romance Expert
Join Date: Feb 2012
I say that while the series ended up well and brought up in quality overtime, there were just some things that didnt stir well for me.

as some will say, it took quite a long time for it to get to the main course as well as being a bit dry on those. but I could forgive that, since it did help getting to know the girls before they disappeared and the stories for them were decent.

my main problem though, ironically, came from the romance. primarily the rikiXrin romance. they actually sort of did well with kuruguya's short romance with riki, and the others did have sweet moments with him. for rin however, I feel like it could have been dropped entirely and the show would end up the same, or it could have been done better.
the development id honestly say, was sort of forced. for rin, who never really knew or was interested in love, as well as riki who was either too nice to go there or was also uninterested, having them go together wasnt really expected(except for childhood friend shippers and people who played the VN) and felt like it came from out of left field.
how they came to get close stumped and bugged me, basically riki got "forced" to it with all the teases he got in 1 episode, and rin goes with it without question and with no understanding.

sure we got revealed later as riki noticed how they werent a proper couple and that rin would need to understand love before she could decide. it would have been good, if these 2 didnt kept on being pushed to each other.
basically this is one of those where I feel the "strangled by the red string of fate" trope. riki and rin barely showed any interest going past friendship then suddenly they're relationship is upgraded. then even when it was revealed how weak it was, rin pretty much had no other person to even test her feelings, when it could be that she's just equating friendship = love.

so anyway, I give the score 8/10. pretty enjoyable minus that detail. if you shipped them beforehand already, it would be more of an additional point than a minus. good for you I guess.

Last edited by silvercover; 2014-01-02 at 11:06. Reason: wrong character
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