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Old 2015-10-20, 23:07   Link #20
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Researchers modify more than 60 pig genes in effort to
enable organ transplants into human:

"For decades, scientists and doctors have dreamed of creating a steady
supply of human organs for transplantation by growing them in pigs. But
concerns about rejection by the human immune system and infection by
viruses embedded in the pig genome have stymied research. Now, by
modifying more than 60 genes in pig embryos — ten times more than
have been edited in any other animal — researchers believe they may
have produced a suitable non-human organ donor."



Gene-Edited Dogs With Jacked-Up Muscles Are a World's

"Researchers in China are reportedly the first to use a powerful gene
editing tool to produce super-muscled dogs. The goal is to create test
subjects that mimic degenerative human diseases, but the
breakthrough also raises the prospect of customized pets.

A cheap and powerful gene editing technique called CRISPR is taking
the science world by storm. Over the past year, biologists have used
the genetic cut-and-paste tool to genetically modify human embryos,
produce supersized fruit, and create double-muscled pigs and
micropigs. Other animals involved in CRISPR work include goats,
rabbits, and monkeys."

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