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Old 2017-12-14, 11:23   Link #35
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by Ruki0089 View Post
But in Naruverse or Fate multi universe... She love children, but can't have her own children due she swearing a vow of chastity...
Seriously, if she really love children so bad, to the point we can call her children-obsessed hero... then she should throw that stupid vow and find husband...
Yeah, that's really not Atalanta's character in the myth. She remained a virgin for a time because she just liked it that way (except maybe for that time with the Argonauts), until a certain man (Melanion/Hippomenes) managed to outsmart her in a challenge and she admitted his "strategy" works and willing to marry him after (Melanion did all that "cheating to win" because he genuinely like her, btw). She loves her husband and has a son called Parthenopaeus.

The writer took so much liberty with the Atalanta figure that it hardly resembles her at all. Saber/Arturia might have been genderswapped but at least the Arthur character is still there mostly (even though they added things like Arthur(ia) being such a distant/alien person to his people, etc). Atalanta's character in Apoc feels like someone else. She's no fun, always super-stiff and that freakin' kid-obsession of hers. Ugh . She's playing the "straight man" to complement Achilles' easygoing personality in the show when it should've been more like the reverse if we go with the actual myth. Imagine a more playful and free-spirited Atalanta in Mordred's place. That would've been better for me. But you know, Nasuverse, Nasu-version, etc.
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