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Old 2007-06-11, 11:23   Link #227
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 44
If anyones wants my honest opinion....

The SaHa translation is way off.

SaHa: "Just ask anyone in school and you'll get your answer quickly enough"
Original :-

The kanji "面談" denotes Interview, and there's no mention of it in their Translation. Further, Aoki is asking about speaking to the parents face-to-face, earlier. What does "asking anyone in school" have to do with that ?

SaHa :- SaHa: "I love my mother for all the things she does for me."
Original :-

The Kanji 髪 means "Hair" Now where's the mention of that ? "とかしても" means "lend" or "give" which in this context "comb", why no mention in SaHa's version ?

[Aoki] "How did it go, Houin Sensei? You know... with that one family you went to see..."
[Houin] "Huh? Oh, nothing special, I guess. The same as I do with all the other kids, I suppose. Praise them, scold them... that sort of thing
Original :-

What happen to the translation of 子 meaning "Child" or "Kid" ? And I don't see anything that means "Going to see" in the original Japanese Text. And Hoin's answer to that question ? You mean, she treats the Family like a child ?

It's as I said, there's no love for the contents, hence no exmaining the translation to the suitation in the story and thus the lousy errors.
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