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Old 2013-03-02, 13:42   Link #5630
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Join Date: Jun 2012
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of some of those reasons, especially possibly boost attention.

Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Yes, Mashima is really using Lucy as his butt monkey this arc. With Minerva in the game, I can see how he wouldn't have wanted her to face a loss yet (as nice as it would have sounded), but I would have hoped for a tie at least. Wendy managed that much. If I were Lucy, by now, I would have looked for a magic pouch or string that would have enabled me to call my keys back instantly, since they are the source of my magic.

Next episode title implies Ichiya will finally fight. Also that perhaps Sting, Rogue, Natsu, and Gadjeel will fight soon.

As for FT's cancellation... there are 4 more episodes left, so that leaves the ending shortly after the Sting/Rogue/Natsu/Gadjeel fight. An odd place to end things. Given how close the anime is getting to the manga, though, we thought at least they'd make it to the end of the arc, but perhaps not. When you get this close, there are only a few things you can do:

1. Create filler
2. Take a break

It may be, in this case, that they have chosen the latter. The anime that replaces it is Driland, which last had a 12 ep run. This looks to be a second season of it, so probably another 12-13 episodes. That gives a season for Mashima to finish the arc and start the new one. Although, they might wait another season past that, if they plan to start FT up again. Given the tone and words of Mashima's tweet about good news, this could be the case.

Edit: Minor correction. Driland has 32 episodes so far, and is ongoing. No idea when it is going to end, but still could plan to end it around ep 50, and thus move something else into it's slot. Also, as another side note, you can see that Driland is a kiddy show, which kinda tells you something about FT's time slot (and time slots for other shonen shows). It could be that FT hit an unhappy middle; not quite shonen/kiddy enough for little boys, and not quite complex and grown-up enough for adults.
I was thinking similarly. I really don't want it to end. I'm just wondering, if the show is coming back in ANY form, why say it's ending? Mashima's tweet gives me hope, I just hope it's something related to the Fairy Tail anime and not another work or a FT game or something.
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