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Old 2012-08-23, 02:13   Link #1992
Join Date: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by Znail View Post
It's mentioned that Kirito has made some dual wield stuff with OSS, so no such restriction. It looks more like some restriction Kirito has placed on himself, due to some guilt over having got the bonus skill in the first place.

He will of couse have even more trouble after getting back from UW as having several hundred years of sword training would put him in the walking hax leage if he goes back to ALO.
Originally Posted by jpwong View Post
From what I recall in the Caliber SS it outlines that he could replicate several dual wield swords skills from SAO with 99% accuracy without the system's help. But since they aren't using the system, they don't get the elemental damage that comes with OSS/regular sword skills and aren't "recorded" skills like OSS would be.

Since I think OSS is only mentioned in the Mother's Rosario volume, could you point me towards the chapter that it's mentioned he created dual wield OSS? I must have overlooked that portion somehow when I read it initially.
What jpwong said. There's no dual wield OSS for Kirito, it's not supported by the ALO system (and I'm sure there isn't a LN citation that can prove Kirito has dual-wielding OSS). You can make OSS for a kind of sword (eg, rapier, one-handed, two-handed swords etc), but dual-wielding isn't supported by the system so that's out. If Kirito had system-assisted dual-wielding then he might be able to make some new dual-wielding OSS, but since there isn't...

And 'several hundred years of sword training'? What the hell? Time flows faster in UW, doesn't mean Kirito will be diving in there for a few hundred years >.> Vol10 have also mentioned a human mind on average can only hold about 150 years of memories safely (they haven't pushed it to the limits due to safety concerns).
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