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Old 2010-12-20, 03:17   Link #19
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
The human being can function with almost all his mental capacities with only one cerebral hemisphere.

You mean the coca leaves. Then again, since the synthesis of cocaine from the L-glutamine from leaves is highly unlikely to be a 1:1 mole reaction, you'd need alot of leaves to have a proper high.

The synthesis of crack-cocaine, the version which it can be smoked, is a 1:1 reaction though on both sides of the equation. The hydrogen ion and the chlorine ion present during the production process are both in a 1:1:1 molar proportion in the crystallised ionic bond.

Also, for your body to absorb the cocaine, an alkali has to be present most of the time since the common form is an acidic salt. Even if there are trace amount of cocaine within the cola itself, it is inactivated due to the solution it is in (carbonated water is slightly acidic), and the digestive fluids (acidic by nature).
I should also add that many local anesthetics and pain control medications are based on cocaine derivatives (procaine, lidocaine, morphine etc.). The stuff is still addicting though and some patients do actually get hooked on that shit. You need a special license here to actually prescribe those.

No I'm not writing you one.
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