Thread: Crunchyroll Amanchu! Season 2
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Old 2018-06-17, 01:18   Link #112
Math Ninja
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ventura County CA
Age: 59
Okay, first of all, as a Southern California resident, I've got to say... WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY DOING SETTING THE GRASS ON FIRE??? Where I live, you don't need a fancy ritual to set the grass on fire. It will do that all by itself - and you don't want to be around when it does.

There, I feel better now.

Originally Posted by Cloudedmind View Post
I thought in the very beginning that Kokoro was a boy, but with everyone referring to Kokoro as a girl, and with how long it went on, I figured my first impression must have been wrong.
I was confused too, and that's when I went looking online and stumbled across the manga chapters this episode covered. (They seem like recent chapters, too. Has the anime almost caught up to the manga?)

If r/anime is blowing up, then I'm better off not being there. I already knew that, but it's nice to have your instincts confirmed.

So Teko's not gay, and not romantically in love with Pikari. Big woop. As you can see, it made no difference to the way they relate to each other.

So Kokoro has a puppy crush on Pikari. Not surprising, given the adventure they had with the octopus mom and her babies. Nothing's going to come of it any time soon. In a few years, who knows? But not now.

Pikari is Pikari. Like I said last week, she's an extrovert. She draws her energy from groups. When she was sitting there moping about being sick, she didn't say, "I wish Teko, the love of my life, was here." She didn't say, "I wish Kokoro was here." She said, "I wanted to eat cake with everyone."

To be honest, I don't know whether Pikari's gay or straight, and I'm not sure she knows herself, or even cares. That's not what she's about, and knowing Kokoro's a boy isn't going to change that.
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