Thread: Licensed Bakuman
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Old 2011-06-13, 20:30   Link #2053
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Originally Posted by ahelo View Post
This chapter really does bring out the problems of Jump: Ending a popular series; Eiji clearly wants to end his series yet Jump doesn't want to because it's still popular. Crow might have been dragging already despite having stable popularity. It's a current problem today (BLEACH IS DRAGGING WAY TOO LONG). Actually I see Crow as more of a One Piece where in he can decide when to end his series because he has an ending in mind already.

This problem is the polar opposite of having interesting series that get cancelled way too early.

I definitely think Bakuman is the voices of the Mangaka especially with this chapter.


while JUMP system have it's problem, ending popular series isn't one of them. If a series was popular, it won't get canceled. (It is a popularity poll system)

You're better off saying that it's problem resulting some critically acclaimed or at least intrigued series to be canceled.

But the biggest problem lies that the industry is facing a weird problem in that the sell of tankoban is growing or stay the same level but the magazine circulation is in constant decline. In addition, the age of tankoban buyers are increasing.

As result you have 2 distinct group of readers that are in different age group. Under 20 in magazine readers and over 20 in Tankoban buyers. Because of that, A title that tankoban readers finds interesting and have potential might be boring to the magazine reader. and that is the cause of the problem.

Unfortunately the current system only takes reader poll of magazine into consideration and that cause certain potentially interesting title to get canceled.
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