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Old 2010-03-12, 18:18   Link #207
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by CrazyPerson View Post

There's no evidence to suggest what half of the stuff you just wrote.

Any object accelerator uses his power on doesn't need to transform into any other state of energy or otherwise.

Why does the expansion on the universe matter?

A bullet he tells to move in the opposite direction to him doesn't transform into some energy any more than a girder he's throwing a Touma.
Focusing on the more important: I hope we're not misunderstanding each other on the concept of frame of reference. Are you saying that accelerator defines his frame of reference to be at rest, so that the when the bullet hits him, he can define an opposite vector for that bullet to go?
The bullet is a 'complex system' just as much as a building is. It consists of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles and energetic wave forms, all of which have vectors that Accelerator can (and does) adjust in canon. He can bend light; he can redirect lightning; he can create plasma by controlling the vectors of electrons independent of the nuclei they orbit.

He can also 'go big' as well. Recently in the light novels he changed the vector of an entire building relative to the rotational center of the earth, causing the entire building to move 2 kilometers contra-rotationally at the angular velocity of an object on the surface of the earth. If he expanded this even further, he could alter vectors relative to center of the solar system, the center of the galaxy, the center of the universe, etc.

Thus, if he told all of the independent vectors in a bullet, from the subatomic scale all the way up to the scale where they can be perceived as a bullet, to 'go that way,' all at once, relative to the center of the universe, the bullet would break down into subatomic particles and energy, and shoot off in the indicated direction with velocity determined as a function of the expansion speed of the universe.
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