Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll To Love Ru
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Old 2008-09-02, 21:18   Link #1035
Crazy Devout Fanboy
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I'm not saying it's not possible, but I'm saying that it sounds wierd for various reasons, so I want to check it for myself before I ship it, lol. I'm cautious about this kind of thing, as I have tons of experience seeing lots of translation errors in anime subs since long ago, and I'm even more cautious now after the whole BillyxGraham translation fiasco in Gundam 00.

Anyways I just downloaded and watched the Chihiro subbed episode, and the subtitles were indeed correct, but what Yami said was "I don't know in Earth years, but in the Kronos Galaxy (or something to the effect of that name) I'm 24." (on a side note, the guy taking the info was a bit not-too-noticing about this and just wrote down "24" for her age.... ) So, what Cat_Megex and outcast_within said.

I knew that sounded too wierd....
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