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Old 2013-05-13, 04:59   Link #89
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
I take this episode quite different from what you guys do, and thought both Kirino and Kyousuke acts were really fit on their personality and relationship status, especially consider how they both have complex feelings on each other.

Firstly i believe it's an older brother's PRIVILEGE to clean after his sister trouble/problem, AND got her to acknowledge that fact. In that sense, Kyousuke scored a brilliant victory over her sister this episode, by being mature, even begging down for forgiveness, but strike back right through Kirino's defensive shell, forcing her bottled-up emotions to break out. Actually it was a draw, because during that process he also throw away his feeling. But then it was Kirino's lost as in the end she acknowledged her fault and want to reorganise that party

The whole boyfriend thing was of her to get him jealous. Deep down Kirino wants him to throw the tantrum, to feel helpless with the same frustration she has whenever she saw him with Kuroneko. It was a slightly failure at first, because unlike Kirino, Kyousuke can act like a asshole, barging straight in to claim what is his (the seat next to Kirino). Which is probably what he got smack in the first place. Not simply because he is rude, but because he attempted to show Kirino that he is still in control over her

But then later he changed his approach, inspired from his father, and claim Kirino by stating no guy's love can match his siscon passion (well not exactly word-to-word like that, but the idea was there). That probably break Kirino stubbornness and we get the ending
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