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Old 2007-11-13, 01:12   Link #84
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Besides, the point being made by Tri-ring (though overstated) is that the edge of a battlesword of that type generally isn't razor sharp -- otherwise it'd be a mess after a battle. Such swords were generally "sharpened" to wider angles so they wouldn't be nicked into oblivion.

The velocity of the swing drives the cut rather than a razor thin edge in that type of blade. The japanese swords (katana) do run a lot *sharper* but their blades are made with a stiffer spine and a razor-edged softer iron.

Cutting force worked just fine until advanced chain and plate became common -- remember the whole sword/mace/spear vs leather/scale/chain/plate was a thousand+ year arms race, not a static picture. Besides even in partial plate or advanced chain, many vulnerable points remained.
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