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Old 2009-09-07, 19:34   Link #3834
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Originally Posted by Shadow Kira01 View Post
Afghan group says NATO strike killed 70 civilians

Something I don't see everyday...

The Talibans are currently seeking the aid of the United Nations over a recent NATO airstrike which claimed the lives of at least 70 civilians. Since the terrorist organization is getting the United Nations to get involved, it seems as though the NATO are the bad guys now. In fact, based on the given information, it is difficult to tell whether the Talibans are the true terrorists or the NATO is as that 70 civilians were killed in what appears to be an indiscriminated mass murder. Hmmm...
Collateral damage happens in combat. There is also some back-and-forth going on in NATO between Germany (whose commanders apparently ordered the bombing - although a bit late, it seems?) and the U.S. (whose pilot(s) carried it out - and supplied the grainy images leading to the decision).

NATO was also not very smart in first claiming that no civilians were hurt or killed and then having to backtrack. Just bad and sloppy PR work without any responsibility taken, IMHO.

And the Taliban isn't 100% blameless either, IMHO - for either forcing the civilians to get the fuel (and I read of reasons offered from 'acting as human shields' to 'being generous to the people') or letting them do so. OTOH, they probably will win in the end.

Originally Posted by Shadow Kira01 View Post
Israel Defies Washington, Approves Settlement Expansion

Considering that the United States provide Israel with much more monthly welfare than to their own American citizens, not sure if the Jewish leaders are making the right decision or not. On the contrary, Israel's economy seems to be in better shape than that of the United States. I guess Israel don't really care..
The situation facing Israel isn't really, IMHO, an economic one. Getting financial aid from the U.S. doesn't play a huge part, I feel - although cutting off the technical and military aid could hurt. Unless you get idiots who then turn over technology to them for either money or ideology.

It's very much an "us vs them" situation there, IMHO. You have moderates on both sides who want peace and an acceptable settlement, but the ones with the loudest voices aren't those guys.

Parts of the U.S. like the N.E. tended to be pro-Israel (but not 100% sure any longer), and the Central part used to not care much at all. I'm guessing that Western Europe is like that as well - although favoring Palestinians instead from the news?
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