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Old 2006-11-13, 22:27   Link #404
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Join Date: Nov 2006
- Climhazard, Yes, we first saw the old guy right when Carmen left Sanji (errr... when she was carried away). Then, as far as I know, we next see him during the filler arc with Apis on the shore saying goodbye to Luffy and crew. Then he appears again on Drum island fixing a door. If you watch the scenes he's drawn like a main character. He has much more detail, and they even focus on him at times instead of directly on whatever else is happening in the scene. So he's not just some 'extra' that they draw in randomly. Though he most likely doesn't have anything to do with the storyline. And, since they're filler episodes (besides Drum island), I was wondering if he was just added in for fun. Does he show up in the manga at all?
- Wasn't there a comment one time from Nami or Ussop, about there being people with DF power who can control the weather? Or maybe they said who can create tsunamis, or hurricanes or something. Who said that? What episode? Would they be talking about Dragon?
- Is there any place that has transcripts of Onepiece anime and manga in a searchable text? If not, that might be a good project to do.
- A question on here made me wonder if maybe Crocodile is the brother of one of Shanks crew members (can't remember his name right now). Any thoughts?
- Yeah, I'd like to know where the pirate summit is too.

- Oh, on movie number four why Luffy could hit him was because when using devil fruit abilities your clothes are made part of you. Which is why Ace can burn things without burning his clothes, and why "smokey" can turn to smoke without becoming naked after reforming each time.
- The "Jolly Roger" flag was actually a flag that was a better flag to see when you met pirates. It meant that they were just there to get 'booty', not to kill people. If you saw a "red jack", then that usually meant they were there to kill people. see wiki (
On page #15
- I was wondering about Nami. She was found by her 'sister' after a marine battle with pirates. I think her parents (or at least one of them) was a pirate. I wondered about Zoro as well. He could have had pirate parents as well, and they died, leaving him an orphan. We know that Usopp has a pirate father. We don't really know much about Sanji's childhood either.
- Also, as far as if "Nami" is Nami's real name will most likely not make a difference at all... but it could... if her real name is some famous name, then we might realize some kind of connection; but I doubt that's the case.

[ NOTE: All comments / questions are based off my experience of only seeing up to episode 120 so far in the anime series. ]
- Rah
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