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Old 2013-01-10, 08:12   Link #216
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by judasmartel View Post
So I keep hearing complaints like, "MC is as dense as a bag of rocks". Seriously, I'm tired of it, whether if that's the case for most or not.
The problem many of these people have isn't really with the protagonist, though they are blaming him. I would guess that the problem is that they are bored/sick/annoyed by the shounen romantic comedy formula itself: that of prolonging the romantic uncertainty as long as possible and only having the main couple "hook up" right at the very end. They're probably annoyed because they can see where the story is heading, and don't want to go through all the motions to get to the end point. But going through the motions (and all the hijinks that ensue) is pretty much the central purpose/intention of a lot of these shows.

If someone's going to watch "harem anime" (in the true sense, not romantic dramas and story-driven visual novel adaptations), it's probably best to just accept that "dense" protagonists are par for the course (as that's part of what makes the plot work).
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