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Old 2012-02-08, 17:17   Link #54
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
To be honest though, I do doubt that this will be about Quincys. It would just be too random a thing to have, especially for a final arc. There's been no foreshadowing, at least not the amount that you'd expect for final antagonists.

Then again, Bleach has never had much storyline structure coherence to it. Not to menrion that introducing an entirely new group would hardly be much better.

Of course, if it's not Quincys then Kubo pretty much shot himself in the foot when he made Mayuri say "there's only one group that can erase hollows". If it turns out to be a new group then he's already started off with plot hole. Its not beyond Kubo but it doesn't bode well for the rest of this final arc, especially when he had a three week break to think it over.
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