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Old 2020-05-03, 15:00   Link #12
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Did we really need such a thorough recap from Kuroko? Not that I don't enjoy colorful commentary courtesy of Satomi Arai, but it's not like the delay was that long to where I think we needed such a long recap .

I feel like they should have called this episode "surprise reversal" for the amount of times our heroes managed to pull one over on the bad guys .

So Kozaku is doing all this out of revenge for what happened to Dolly. I can kind of understand her motivation, even if trying to raze and destroy an entire city full of people is way too extreme .

I guess I can respect that Kozaku still wasn't done even without her liquid metal partner in front of her, but she underestimated how gutsy Kuroko can be. Touma's not the only one who can knock out a wayward bad girl, but while Touma uses his fist, all Kuroko needs is her palm and a well-placed kick .

Uh oh. Mikoto's started going cosmic. It's usually not good when someone starts going cosmic .

It shows how far Misaki is willing to go that she's even willing to take a gamble on using her own power on herself and taking away the source of her power boost if it gave her a chance to win. She may not be an altruist but the memory of the one girl she called a friend gave her the motivation to see this through to the bitter end and finally take Gensei down .

Now if only we could have had Gensei groveling and in pain for much longer .

Looks like it's up to the other main character to put a stop to the rampaging Mikoto, even if she's now aware of what's going on internally. He's taken over so well that he even delivers the next episode preview like it's his show .

Misaki is more of a good girl than she lets on. The arc highly implied she sought Mikoto out due to her relationship with Dolly.

Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
This episode was so interesting, it almost felt like it was actually only 15 minutes!
Originally Posted by Endscape View Post

Don't get your hopes up, next episode is delayed until further notice.

Welcome to the real Manga Experience. Delays and half chapter releases for everyone.

Originally Posted by SilverGlavenus View Post
Usual Toaru shenanigans, where younglings display their 200+ IQs and completely outplay adults.

If Misaka pre lv6 is like that, I wonder what Accelerator will be like.
Accelerator's Angel wing form is pretty much his version. Gensei is pretty much forcing Misaka to do what he does when he access it.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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