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Old 2013-02-22, 12:15   Link #10639
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
This still leaves Sting around, and I wonder what Mashima will do with him. So far, I don't think anyone can predict what will happen with him.
At the rate things are going, he's not going to make his move until all other fights are finished. He'll be essentially completely fresh, while everyone else will be tired and/or injured.

Assuming Sting's the leader for points, if Fairy Tail sweeps the remainder without loss, Sting would just need to take out Fairy Tail's 4-non leader members to tie the score up at 59 points, whoever wins after that wins by five points.

If Fairy Tail takes out the remainder, but loses their leader to Jura, the score would be ST: 55, FT: 59, LS: 55, and Sting sweeping the remainder of Fairy Tail would result in a tie.

If Sting kill steals a weakened Jura like Minerva did with Kagura, and Fairy Tail wins it's other fights, it would be ST: 60 FT: 54: LS: 50, and even if Sting went down himself without taking out any of Fairy Tail, Sabertooth would win by 1 point.

Heck, in general, as long as Sabertooth defeats one more leader, they've essentially guaranteed themselves victory. If Lamia Scale defeats one leader instead, Sabertooth just needs to defeat 4 non-leaders to essentially guarantee a tie.

Originally Posted by kitten320 View Post
Orga done in one shot? Really? Saber Tooth is just pathetic. How they manged to be the strongest guild till now is probably the biggest mystery of this arc for me.
Sabertooth became #1 in these past 7 years because thus far only the following people have been shown to be (or are likely to be) equal to or greater than some or all of their top members:


Here's the list of them that have, or likely have participated in the games for the past 7 years:


In short, the competition's gotten much stiffer this year. As things stand, remove Jura and Fairy Tail from the equation, and Sabertooth likely takes it with ease.
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