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Old 2012-07-21, 06:05   Link #3
Join Date: Jan 2012
Walking Dead is awesome, I totally second it.

I know you asked for no shooters, but if you haven't tried the first Crysis game I would really recommend it. It's much better than the sequel. It recently recieved an Xbox port. This is one of those few games where you'll enjoy it more on the hardest difficulty. Nothing is cooler from switching to super speed to super strength just before a humvee smashes into you.

Divinity 2: Ego Draconis was pretty fun, and the story was enough to keep me interested until the end.

Enchanted Arms is a fun JRPG, I haven't beat it yet but the game is cool, and the plot twists have held my attention.

Tales of Vesperia was awesome.B

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is the best in the series, albeit clunky controls. It's sequel Oblivion was great too. Both are better than Skyrim in a large variety of ways.

Grand Theft Auto 4 has an extremely addictive story as you get more and more into it. Sometimes you find your self doing a lot of side quests which can get old.

The Witcher 2 on PC is probably my favorite recent release. That game holds nothing back.

If you're in for a scare give Amnesia or Penumbra a try.

If none of these catch your interest let me know, I have more but it's a hassle typing on an iPhone.

I forgot Risen. It's a pretty good RPG, the sequel sucks.

Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning had a great story, but I hated the game play.

Last edited by Ferp; 2012-07-21 at 06:23.
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