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Old 2012-05-29, 10:54   Link #152
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Originally Posted by Poetic Justice View Post
Seeing Law's reaction i think he is in fact the swordsman's son.

Are you talking about Kinemon? Maybe that would be true if Law's intro in the Sabaody arc hadn't already pointed out that he was a North Blue native, not a NW pirate.....

Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
After his escape from ID Crocodile's true power was displayed and from the looks of it, Luffy shouldn't realistically have beaten him back in Alabasta. Crocodile might not have displayed any usage of Haki but he has perfect mastery over his logia powers and his dehydration ability is deadly.

lol, I remember all the past times I made this same argument about Crocodile and yet some people kept brushing it off. But yeah, the very fact that he was taking on all those world-class pirates and marines during the war very much shows that he's a powerful veteran, haki mastery or not (though I still question why he tried to snuff out Whitebeard out in the open instead of using the chaos from the war as his cover, which is more of his style).

I kept making a similar argument for Moria as well, though I do agree that his laziness was his greatest liability (though ironically, that laziness is one of the reasons I like the character!). Still, if you put that aside you can see that much like Crocodile he made very effective use of his power outside of his corpse reanimating skills (I particularly liked how he instantly switched places with his Doppelman when Robin tried to clutch him. Goes to show that his power has great defensive use despite not being a logia). Really, his only mistake was using Shadows Asgard against Luffy at TB. But I suppose after the events of the war he'll have made significant improvements to his fighting style (though I'll kinda miss his laziness if he really opted to get rid of it.....).

Ah yes, and a short reminder that there will indeed be a chapter this week....
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