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Old 2012-08-04, 18:05   Link #875
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Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
That is a little weird, Kashinkyoshi is suppose to be a famed genjutsu master during the period of the Azuchi-Momoyama period part of the Sengoku Era. The real mystery is, he is suppose to be fiction............ well I am quite confused. Myaybe when Undertaker is online he can can give us some more information on Kashinkyoshi. Though the good thing is Habei is alive, I was so happy to see that picture in the last page.

Oh and Akumasama thank you for your hard work. I added some points to your reputation.

From what I knew and a quick research, he not completely a fictional character, at least I haven't anything that directly denies his existence in history.

With that being said, his is in one of those group where there are more folklore than actual historical records and the record that support his existence was limited and sometime contradicting. Similar to the likes of Maeda Keiji, Fuma Kotaro, or Sasaki Kojirō, etc.

Azuchi-Momoyama period, is refer to the blossoming period from Nobunaga entering Kyoto to the death of Hidiyoshi, so there is no conflict there. The legend have it that he did perform genjutsu in front of Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Mitsuhide, and later enter into Nobunaga's service. Some believes he is a top-tier ninja similar to Fuma and Hanzo.

Another saying is that he was serving under Matsunaga Hisahide and entered into Oda service when Hisahide submitted to Nobunaga. In these legend howeveer, they have him controlling Hisahide that led to Hisahide's rebellions and eventual death.

My guess is that is the angle the author is going after, because Hisahide's last rebellion was one of the unsolved mystery because Hisahide was extremely talented and was a favorite of Nobunaga after he surrender. Similarily Hisahide was quote many time on his admiration of Nobunaga's genius. While he always act on his on best interests which led him rebel against Nobunaga various time, their relation has seem to be really good. In fact even after his last rebellion, Nobunaga was welling to forgive again on the condition he gave up an rare teapot "Kotenmei Hiragumo".

Anyway, so I see Yamanaka Yukimori makes her appearance now, another famed general who's doomed to die young.

Anyone got V8 spoiler? Without context it's hard to say Habei's completely out of fire yet. In history Habei's death was after Kuroda joined Oda and assigned under Hideyoshi. He died during campaign against Mori due to sickness. By that time Hideyoshi pretty much spends all his time in the west and rarely going back to Nobunaga's place. Besides by that time Azuchi castle was already built and it's construction was one of the biggest events in Nubunaga related games.

BTW, for those who say Nabunaga's rule was harsh, look no farther then the fact that Japanese gave Nobunaga's rule it's own special name and is widely consider as one of the brightest period in term of economy, art, trading, and prosperity despite the consistent warfare.
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