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Old 2013-09-01, 13:55   Link #5295
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Originally Posted by blackwhite67 View Post
It was never stated that the Level Six Shift plan would fail if run to completion.

The emotional stimulus I'm talking about does not refer to drugs or any sort of artificial means that Academy City uses. It refers to the states of mind obtained during extreme situations. Every awakening so far has happened without Academy City's help. Accelerator first awakened while disconnected from the SISTERS network and Kakine awakened on his own when he refused to lose to Accelerator. All without the help of Academy City. This indicates that emotional stimulus is basically a free pass to level 6, but this isn't as cheap as you think considering it's impossible to reproduce artificially.

The Parameter List you cited lists the potential level of espers and the cost of realizing those levels using only Academy City's resources. In the end, it does not take into account real life experiences. It was stated that Rikou had reawakened her potential as a Level 5 thanks to her experience in World War III and her relationship with Hamazura.

I imagine that watching Touma die at the hands of the villain, will get Mikoto black wings and finally working up the nerve to confess in some life-and-death situation will get her white ones.
True level 6 isn't deemed to fail because its the goal of academy city. to reach level 6 but the sister project for accelerator is deem to fail because the goal there is to send the sister to extend the reach of artificial heaven.

As for emotional stimulus... true too. I won't deny. The awakened state for Accelerator is different from Kakine. In their re matched battle. Kakine is wary on the emotional state of Accelerator. To much negative will result on black wings while the white wings is unknown but for Kakine we don't even know if his in continued awaken state or he needed to awaken again. His a complete different being after his rebirth.

The parameter's list is the limit the academy city planned for their student with minimum waste on their part but it doesn't mean that they can go beyond it. They just don't like to waste resources on the unknown so when Rikou reach the state that she can reach level 5. It still doesn't mean she can reach it on her own but we don't know for sure. For now, she is still level 4 and the city wants her back to turn her into level 5.

But is the emotional stimulus enough to make them reach the next level? because so far they are in half-way point.

Force anger for Mikoto? I don't know because I'm still skeptical in this whole awaken state. Is the emotional stimulus enough for her to reach the unreachable? because that would make the number 1 and 2 being special useless right? that's why even if I admit that everyone has a chance to awaken or reach level 5. I'm still wary to accept it because why will academy city label them that if that is their limits?

And I for one doesn't go shit with will power or never give up stupid motto So using emotional stimulus is not enough for me to convince to go power up. Its like the shounen stupid power up which is why I'm still skeptical on the whole awakening. It makes the story cheap for me.

That's why I kinda like Hamazura the king of luck and Touma the worst luck being their selves. Viva level 0
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