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Old 2012-06-25, 08:37   Link #167
Stardust is Delicious~!
Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by Dop View Post
On the whole I really enjoyed this series given that I'd never seen Fate/Stay Night or spinoffs or played the VN.

I wonder what the odds are of the same crew remaking F/SN?
The thing is, the DEEN anime was NOT Fate/Stay Night, it was the Fate route, the first of three chapters meant to be read in succession. It isn't any sort of "main route" as many seem to have come to believe-it's the setup. While they're different parallel universes/timelines of sorts, they aren't merely simply different options the user can see, but specifically meant to be read in the order of the three chapters (Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, Heaven's Feel) and the latter two are only unlocked after completing the former. They build upon each other's themes and overturn previous assumptions about the status quo. The Fate route in particular was specifically setting the stage for Unlimited Blade Works, while Heaven's Feel is what inspired Fate/Zero the most and thus would be the most natural continuation for Ufotable if they choose to do so. The UBW movie was basically a montage of the fight scenes: imagine what Fate/Zero would be like if they cut out all the talking and just had the fights? It'd look cool but there wouldn't be much depth and just be something for fans that read the story, and confuse everyone else. It is supposed to bring closure to the themes opened up in Fate, putting seemingly happy development into closer scrutiny to reveal the ugly cogs behind the machine.

Fate/Stay Night is the full experience of the three chapters, and it hasn't made its point yet with just the first chapter. While the original Fate route adaptation anime was considered mediocre by many, it's the UBW route that needs the remake since a montage movie just doesn't do the storyline justice. However, it's the final chapter, Heaven's Feel, that really needs to see the light the most. It used to be considered the least likely because it's darker and the heroine was just random muggle side character named Sakura, and was full of disturbing content that was too much for the shonen level the DEEN adaptation of the Fate route was going for. However, with Fate/Zero, there's much more of a bridge and it becomes more meaningful to a continued audience for the new protagonist to pick up where Kariya left off and complete what he set out to do, rather than just randomly hitting it off with a seemingly cute but irrelevant background character.
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