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Old 2004-08-07, 18:36   Link #97
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
The following post has been rated OT for I'm sorry for steering this topic off-course...

Originally Posted by Yogo_Pogo
Se méfier des gens peut nous éviter beaucoup d’ennui. Si une personne te voulait du mal, tu l’aura vu venir. Si les intentions d’une personne sont bonnes tu pourras la cataloguer dans les exceptions à la règle. Hehehe try to understand that you english people !!
You're so cruel! Since I'm a nice guy, I'll translate it for everyone (or rather, transliterate).

Distrust can save us a lot of worries. If someone has bad intentions, you can see it coming. If someone truly has good intentions, you can consider it an exception to the rule.

I actually do know what you're saying, because I have known people who have chosen to live their lives that way. In fact, the person I used to work for tried very hard to convince me to believe the same thing, but I resisted and even quit my job to stand up for what I believe in. So, yeah, I take this very seriously.

I have deliberatly chosen to live my life trusting others. I know that there are many people who have bad intentions, and I realize that I have and am continuing to set myself up for hurt and pain... but I still deliberately choose to live this way. If it's ignorance, it's because I choose to be ignorant. If it's naivety, it's because I choose to be naive. To me, I guess, living a life of mistrust seems like such a sad and depressing way of looking at the world, and I just can't bring myself to doing it, no matter how hard I try. Sure, it'll save you from heartache, but it might also shield you from experiencing many of the joys of human relationships. Plus, where does this mistrust stop? How can you ever get close to anyone if you're always trying to protect yourself from being hurt? A large part of being human is hurting and being hurt by others, because it's through that process that we learn how to be better people. Isn't it somewhat selfish to be only looking out for your own best interests all the time?

As I mentioned in another thread, I believe love is not a feeling, but a choice. I think trust is the same way. The thing about both love and trust is that, deep down, nobody really deserves it. I mean, we are all humans after all; we all make mistakes. I think it would be conceited and arrogant of me to think that I alone deserve to be loved and trusted; to pretend that I don't want love or trust from others would be a bald-faced lie. If I want people to trust me, I need to show them what I mean by trust; I need to be the kind of person that is worthy of those actions. I can't do that by shutting everyone else out of my life in fear that I might get hurt. If I'm going to get hurt in this life, forgive the cliché but, bring it on! Life is a gift, and I'm not going to let it go to waste!

Anyway, I sincerely apologize once again for guiding this thread severely off-course. I will try to think of some way of bringing back on track...
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