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Old 2023-04-01, 12:42   Link #1
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Tokyo Revengers Tenjiku Arc

Tokyo Revengers Tenjiku Arc got announced today

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Old 2023-04-01, 12:48   Link #2
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I guess they are going to adapt everything.

that's cool.
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Old 2023-06-18, 02:32   Link #3
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Old 2023-10-03, 13:33   Link #4
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Old 2023-10-10, 13:32   Link #5
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Figures they'd have to have a Toman meeting to go over everything that happened and what their next plan of attack against Tenjiku is...and they're definitely ready to take the fight to them. But isn't that what Kisaki wants ?

So current Tenjiku is made up of a bunch of legendary S-62 generation guys, all of whom are part of gangs that were defeated by or have a grudge against Toman...the perfect set up for a grudge match !

Hina! And Naoto! Nice to see them again. Because of course when Takemichi has no idea what to do he has no choice but to go back to the future .

Who can Takemichi talk to about what happened? Mikey's killed pretty much everybody he knew. He gets desperate enough to yell in a church, and who should also be in said church praying for his younger brothers' soul...than FRIKKIN' TAIJU. And he's gone full suit Yakuza and is as intimidating as ever .

Taiju is nursing a grudge against Toman for Hakkai's death and he owes Takemichi enough to give him some insider info about Tenjiku and Izana Kurokawa...and how it all dates back to Black Dragon, which was originally the gang of Mikey's brother, until Izana became the 8th head. And somehow he's older than Taiju. Yeah, try figuring that out. But why would Mikey trust this Izana guy more than Draken? What is his connection to Black Dragon ?

So it seems like everything went wrong when neither Toman or Tenjiku won the Kanto Incident, and Kisaki and Izana became in charge with Mikey of the merged groups, leading to the corrupted Toman. Also, Kisaki? Not actually dead. Izana faked his death. Takemichi is so screwed .

Oh hey, Inupi and Koko! I knew they couldn't trust those guys, they're still with Toman and after Takemichi. Good thing Taiju is still a beast .

Dang it Takemichi, if you wanted to talk to those two, go back to the past! They would probably kill you now! Also, I guess NOW Kisaki is fine killing Takemichi...and gets Naoto shot. Yikes .

Takemichi finally meets Izana and he's blaming Takemichi and Naoto for Mikey's death (he really cares about Mikey, huh?). And Kaku is also still working under him but even he didn't want to kill Takemichi. Still shoots him though .

This is an even worse situation than last time with Takemichi and Naoto both bleeding out. But while Naoto didn't think much of Takemichi initially, his efforts to keep saving everyone despite every setback is what makes him a hero, and someone Naoto is proud of. And with that they lock hands one last time to send Takemichi back to the past to fix everything. And Kisaki notices it .

The ED is pretty nice spotlighting all the major characters in this arc, especially Mikey and Izana. And is that Izana with...Emma!? And it looks like the main fights to look forward to are Mikey vs Izana and Takemichi vs Kisaki .
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Old 2023-10-17, 13:40   Link #6
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Takemichi, why would you want to go to the present!? You were bleeding from a bullet wound! Were you that desperate to save present-day Naoto? Though I guess now that he can't go back no matter how much he grasps past Naoto's hand is all the evidence we need that there isn't a present-day Naoto to connect to any more .

Takemichi's losing it. He's lost Naoto, he's constantly failed to save the future, and he's got nothing left to believe in...but Hina, finally hearing the truth from his words, makes him realize that there's still hope as she's content just knowing he wants to marry her in the future, and Takemichi can't help but want to make that a reality. And look at Hina playing it cool that she just overheard Takemichi is a 26-year old time traveler, she's the best !

Life at the Sano household! Emma and Mikey living with their grandpa, Emma cooks, Mikey sleeps in his brothers' workshop now shifted into his room, and Takemichi gets to see it for himself .

Wait, Izana is Mikey and Emma's half-brother!? He took over Black Dragon because it was the family business (one that was intended for Mikey) and resented Mikey for having the family he was denied? But it seems like Izana actually cared about Mikey in the future timeline, so is this really all about revenge? But wow, the Sano family really has some crazy family drama. Who kept sleeping around in this family !?

I get where Takemichi is coming from wanting to take care of everything on his own...but what can he really accomplish by himself? And he's got an obligation as First Division Captain to see this through .

Jeez, can Takemichi go a single episode without getting beat up? Now he's getting piled on by Mucho, one of his fellow captains, and his Nobuhiko Okamoto voiced vice-captain. Can't Takemichi catch a real break ?

They're framing Mucho like he's the traitor, but the way he has Takemichi strung out with Inui and Koko...could be be trying to figure out who the real traitor is ?
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Old 2023-10-24, 14:12   Link #7
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So Takemichi has Mucho to thank for getting Mikey to save him from Kiyomasa? Because Mucho's division ferret outs the traitors and helps deal with them, whether with Mikey's approval or not? Not that Mikey would ever approve of going after Takemichi...but that was never what this was about .

Oh hey, the updated the OP! More bike shots, more Tenjiku scenes, a little more fight sequences, Koko (forcibly) with Tenjiku, the works! I wonder if this won't be the last time they change it ?

So Emma grew up with Izana but their mom couldn't take care of two kids and sent Izana into the foster system? Emma definitely got her blonde hair from her mom .

Well, yeah, it is kind of suspicious that two former members of Black Dragon would join Toman and then have nothing to do with Tenjiku run by a former Black Dragon leader (who Inupi was close to)...Takemichi barely even knows Koko and Inui and they've mostly just beat him up .

But the real tratior was Mucho after all. Because he knew Izana before he even knew Mikey, with the founding members of Tenjiku all having met in reform school. And now he's obsessively loyal to Izana even if a part of him doesn't want to go against Mikey...but he just can't .

Oh, so NOW we're dealing with 18 year olds .

So it was all about Koko, huh? Considering all the other motivations of characters in this show, having it all come down to money feels a tad mundane. But I guess now we see the makings of what turns Toman into a criminal syndicate...Kisaki the brains, Koko the money, and Mikey the charisma. So Izana doesn't want to kill Mikey ?

I guess one good thing came out of this...Takemichi knows what he has to do to stop the corruption of Toman. Save Koko. Even if it means standing up and doing what he does best, taking a beating. Which didn't actually accomplish anything, but it did gain him Koko and Inui's respect .

So Inui knew Shinichiro and wanted to be part of the same kind of Black Dragon he was a part of? It's just too bad it became corrupted by Izana and that generation of delinquents. But someone like Takemichi still carries the spirit of the old Black Dragons, and he carries that into becoming the 11th leader to save Koko !
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Old 2023-10-31, 13:46   Link #8
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Was that Rina Sato as Emma's mom? Not that she really seems like a good one, basically abandoning Emma with her grandfather. All the Sano siblings had to bring them together was their grandpa (and I assume the same father). Shinichiro was a well-meaning goofball, Mikey was still Mikey, and that's how things started between the three of them .

Oh hey, kid Baji! Frustrated that Mikey is such a fighting prodigy, but at least they share two brain cells between them .

Aw, Mikey chose to be Mikey to feel closer to Emma because of her foreign sounding name and looks! That's so sweet. And then Emma met Draken and she was finally happy again .

I love how Mikey wouldn't just give up Takemichi to be the new Black Dragon leader...because Takemichi is HIS! But if Takemichi wants it, it's not like Mikey can say no to him !

A fight on the day of Black Dragons' founding makes sense, but is Toman okay with this? Mitsuya and Smiley got jumped, Hakkai is going to stay with them, there down four captains and lost an entire divison after Mucho defected...they're kind of screwed. But I didn't expect Peh-Yan to be the one to make sure everyone remembered the core integrity that makes Toman Toman. And as long as they've got Mikey, they're okay .

I guess it's fitting that Takemichi's first confrontation with Izana would be at Shinichiro's grave as he pays respect as new Black Dragon leader...and of course Mikey and Emma show up to visit their brother as well. What a tense family reunion .

Takemichi finally puts two and two together that he's never seen Emma in the future and that as one of Mikey's biggest emotional supports something happening to her was probably a big contributor to why Mikey ended up so messed up in every timeline. And wouldn't you know it, Kisaki did too, attacking Emma and trying to break Mikey so Izana can mold him and replace her. And Izana approved it. There's no going back from this, Kisaki and Izana need to go down. Hard !

It's ironic Kaku was objecting to the murder when we know he ends up shooting Takemichi .

I hate to say it but all that Emma character focus was all building up to her death. And what a tragedy. She dies on her brothers' back, professing her love for Draken (who Mikey knew always loved her), hoping Takemichi can be there for Mikey, and with Mikey barely able to keep it together. She didn't deserve this. And it's another person Takemichi failed to save and can't go back in time to make up for. Emma !!!
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Old 2023-11-06, 21:48   Link #9
Psyco Diver
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Oh boy Mikey is about to go off the handle, I'm guessing this is the final season so I can't wait to see how this ties up
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Old 2023-11-07, 14:28   Link #10
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OF COURSE Kisaki gets away with Emma's murder, that scheming piece of @#$%. He thinks he knows Mikey better than anybody, but he only sees the Mikey he WANTS to see, and wants to use that to fulfill his own ambitions like the trash he is. Takemichi's gotten in his way so many times, but can he stop Kisaki now with Emma dead ?

Well, I guess that explains why Izana didn't mind this plan. He doesn't acknowledge Emma as a sibling. He only cares about Mikey in as far as his obsession with Shinichiro, the only Sano sibling that actually seemed to care about him .

Emma's dead, Mikey's completely shut down, and Draken is losing it. His best friends are either dead, in the hospital, or in juvie, and now the girl he loved is dead. The only way he can channel his rage is by beating Mikey up for letting things get so far, even while Takemichi blames himself. But how can Takemichi lecture anyone on grief when his inability to let Hina's death go has been what's spurred him on ?

Speaking of Hina, they just had to dig the knife deeper by showing her reaction to Emma's death. She's inconsolable. But Takemichi may be a goofball and a lousy 26-year old with barely anything to show for it but his own inadequacy, but he also loves Hina and knows he can't run away any more, especially if it means protecting her. Even if that means he has to fight Tenjiku on his own .

Well, yeah, Toman is pretty much screwed. Their leaders are out, there down a ton of captains, and their de-facto leader is Takemichi of all people. I don't blame any of them for wanting to bow out of the fight with Tenjiku. But Takemichi knows they can't just give up and let Tenjiku have their way, and while he has the weakest division, everyone in Toman knows that Takemichi never runs away and that's how he's always gotten them through every crisis .

And now we've got Mitsuya and Smiley getting wheeled in to acknowledge Takemichi, give the team Hakkai and Angry as back-up, and rally the rest of Toman to fight Tenjiku! They may be at a huge disadvantage, but they're not going to give up without a fight !

Uh...where did Izana get that blood ?
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Old 2023-11-14, 13:29   Link #11
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Well, dang, I didn't expect Izana to get in a warm up before the fight with Toman by beating up some of the other big gangs in Japan like they're nothing. It really does just come down to Tenjiku vs Toman at this point .

Tenjiku is a gang of battle-crazy ruffians who will turn on each other at any moment, but the only thing keeping them together is their mutual respect for Izana. Though Kakucho's loyalty seems more personal, having known him since they were kids .

If Kisaki knows one thing, it's that Takemichi will never give up, even if it means leading a small force of Toman members against overwhelming Tenjiku odds. But as acting leader of Toman, he can't let Izana and Kisaki have their way any more .

Ugh. Look at Kisaki standing over the battle like he thinks he's the final boss .

So this Shion guy was the ninth leader of Black Dragon? He talks a big game but then Peh-Yan takes him down in one punch. Turns out Peh-Yan might be one of the stronger Toman members this whole time! And Izana always thought Shion was a scrub because he got beat by Mikey the first time .

Takemichi is obviously chasing after Kisaki, and there's a lot of thugs in their way, but his squad is doing their utmost to clear him a path and actually taking down some guys on their own .

Izana and Mikey must be related, they both love knocking dudes down in one kick. Poor Peh-Yan. And Toman lost their advantage .

So the Vicious Generation all bowed to Izana's strength back in reform school and were building up their strength to be able to serve him to the present-day, and now they've entered the ring. Chifuyu is getting his rematch with Mochizuki, Hakkai and Angry are fighting the two brothers, Inui is dealing with Mucho and Koko, and of course Takemichi has to fight Kakucho. These are some tough match-ups for Toman, and Hanma and Izana are still waiting for them .

Can we really see Koko went along with Tenjiku when they had to threaten Takemichi and Inui to get him to join? And he says he's doing it for the money, but it just feels like desperation to not lose what's important to him. But who is Akane? Are they related to Inui ?
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Old 2023-11-14, 21:15   Link #12
Psyco Diver
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I'm curious who is coming in to save the day, obviously Mikey and Draken will come in. I'm guessing Takemichi is going to win over some, if not, most of Tenjiku with his 'reckless stubborn not-well-thought-out bravery'
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Old 2023-11-21, 13:30   Link #13
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Koko kissed Inui!? Is Tokyo Revengers suddenly a BL anime!? Well, it's actually more complicated than that .

So Inui and Koko were friends as kid and Koko was crushing hard on Inui's big sis Akane (who was basically Hina, but blonde), and he even confessed to her. She humored his feelings enough to make him think he had a chance, and maybe things would've gone well...until their home got set on fire and Koko was only able to save Inui, not Akane, leaving her with severe burns and a huge cost of care that her family could not provide .

Of course Koko took this as a challenge to earn money for Akane's treatment and naturally figured the best way to make money as a kid was to turn to crime, so he went from creating a band of thieves to also running a criminal service enterprise that eventually lead to many people depending on him...but that didn't amount to anything because Akane died. So Koko sold his soul for money to save the girl he loved, only to get nothing out of it. And all he's left with is people using him because of his money. And all he sees in Inui is Akane's face, which is probably why he kissed him .

I don't know what was more surreal, Inui in high heels, child Koko being able to kick a door in, Koko in a business suit going into a club at age...I dunno, 10? 11? Either way it's crazy what kids get up to in this show .

Inui also probably struggled with losing his sister which is why he became a hardcore delinquent, but now all he wants to do is save his friend and free him from the guilt of Akane's death. Though his fists and words aren't doing much to deter Koko from working with Tenjiku, and Mucho seems way too powerful for him .

Does Takemichi stand a chance against Kaku? He can't even get a good hit in him, and Takemichi being a damage sponge isn't going to get him closer to Kisaki .

Toman is holding their own but do they stand a chance against the Vicious Generation? The Haitani Brothers straight up killed a dude !

Hakkai and Angry are tough but they're used to fighting with their older sibling so their team synergy is nil. I mean, how does Angry think that nervous eye twitch of a wink is supposed to mean anything? But if there's one thing that can bond them together, it's being little brothers !
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Old 2023-11-28, 13:31   Link #14
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I love how Mitsuya and Smiley are just wheeling themselves around. Like couldn't someone help push them? Where are they even going ?

Well, the Hakkai/Angry team was short-lived. The Haitani Brothers are just too powerful. Angry gets his leg broken and Hakkai is getting beaten to death in front of everyone as a sign of Toman's defeat .

But did you think that flashback was Smiley protecting Angry from bullies? Nope! Angry was crying because he had just beaten those thugs near to death and Smiley realized he couldn't let his brother unleash the demon again...a crying blue demon. But Tenjiku made the mistake of making Angry cry .

Dang, Angry wastes no time! Rindo? Taken down in one hit. Ran? Also taken down in one hit. Mocchi? Taken down in one hit. Mucho? Rewarded as a traitor deserves and thrown to the floor. The Vicious Generation were turned into complete chumps by Angry and it is absolutely delicious .

Mucho just couldn't abide by the idea that he wasted his life with Toman by joining the losing team or that all the effort the Vicious Generation spent trying to make themselves stronger for Izana was pointless. He even tried to stab Angry (and Takemichi). But he's beaten, as Kaku handily reminds him. It's what he deserves .

Of course Tenjiku isn't done just because their Big Four is knocked out, because it turns out Kakucho was their strongest the whole time and he has strength and speed enough to take down Chifuyu, Inui, and even Angry in short order. Leaving Takemichi the only one left who can face him .

I guess it wouldn't be a climactic battle in Tokyo Revengers if Takemichi didn't take an ungodly amount of punishment and kept standing, unwilling to fall to Kakucho and resolving to keep the will of Toman alive no matter how many times he gets hit. Takemichi is not going to give up until he finds out why Kaku is so loyal to Izana, someone who is from all appearances a monster (though it seems like they were there for each other as kids), or until he defeats Izana and Kisaki. And everyone (except Kisaki) is shocked at Takemichi's ability to keep standing. But it's not like Kaku's weak-willed punches are enough to bring him down .

Figures Kisaki would try to finish Takemichi off himself. How many times has Kisaki pointed a gun at him at this point? I don't think Takemich can tank a bullet .
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Old 2023-11-29, 19:33   Link #15
Psyco Diver
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These episodes are getting to be to short
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Old 2023-12-05, 13:29   Link #16
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Oh, so all these kids have been beating each other within an inch of their lives and Hakkai almost got beaten to death but Kisaki drawing a gun is where you draw the line ?

But Takemichi has seen so many people die, lost his friends, the girl he loves, and seen everything go down the drain...and carrying those frustrations and failures, he's no longer scared of anything that Kisaki can throw at him. Not even getting shot in the foot can deter him. And he actually makes Kisaki afraid of him, and that piece of trash doesn't even have the guts to really shoot him. And with his efforts, Takemichi is able to rally Toman back into the fight !

Kisaki really out there suggesting the very merger and control that ends up screwing up the future? That made it all the more satisfying when Takemichi finally slugged him and shut him up. That punch was a long time coming .

Although Kisaki...really doesn't seem to know what Takemichi is talking about when he brings up the future. Is he just deflecting ?

I guess Takemichi had to fight Izana at some point, as Izana gets in the way of his fight with Kisaki. Takemichi is barely standing and yet he keeps getting up no matter how many times Izana hits him, and this is Izana, he's as tough as Mikey. But Takemichi keeps getting up and won't give up, and Izana finally sees Shinichiro in Takemichi, just like the other Sano siblings do, but that just makes him more enraged .

As much as I wanted to see Takemichi land a hit in on Izana, the best victory was managing to last long enough for Mikey to show up and settle this blood feud. And who brought him and Draken back from the brink? None other than Best Girl Hina, who told them the truth about Takemichi and made them realize the full scope of everything Takemichi has done to try to save them and protect Toman. And with his efforts and resolve, what else can they do but ruin Kisaki and Izana by showing up ready to finish this fight ?

(Although honestly is it really a good idea to bring Hina to a gang fight where the guy who has her killed in numerous timelines is around ?)

There are nowhere near enough guys to satiate Mikey's lust for a fight, especially to get justice for Emma, but it's finally time to settle the score with his brother as he and Izana finally fight !
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Old 2023-12-12, 13:30   Link #17
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It's Mikey vs Izana, the long-awaited showdown! And Izana is just as, if not more, strong than Mikey, able to tank his hits with no problem and actually land his he's a complete psycho, which doesn't help .

So Izana and Kakucho were in the same orphanage and grew up together, but then Shinichiro came and started taking Izana out so they could get in some sibling bonding time and Izana projected on Shinichiro as his only family. They did everything together...ride Shinichiro's bike, play pranks, dress goofy, and Shinichiro taught Izana how to throw more effective punches. The only problem with this dynamic was that Izana became so obsessed with Shinichiro as his big brother that he was unable to accept anyone else having him, especially Mikey and Emma .

But there's the rub, isn't it? What kind of family would do so much harm to their siblings? Mikey loved his siblings, but Izana was willing to kill Emma just to hurt him. It's not even just Izana's resentment towards Mikey for stealing Shinichiro from him (to the point where he felt he was only in charge of Black Dragon as a placeholder) or because Kazotra (Mikey's own subordinate) killed Shinichiro, but that Izana is so warped he thinks if he can break Mikey completely he can turn him INTO Shinichiro. Like, what ?

But Izana isn't invincible. Mikey tanks enough hits and dishes enough of his own that he finally starts wearing Izana down to the point where he can read his moves and block him, all culminating in him finally landing some hits and doing real damage against Izana. And Izana totally breaks down as he realizes he's losing and he can't beat Mikey, especially when he sees their family siding with him after everything, and if he can't be the strongest what else does he have? Even one of his last memories of his mother before she sent him away to the orphanage was her telling him to be "strong" .

Tenjiku has no bonds or comradery, no friendship binding them, which is why they're not Toman. But Kakucho has always been loyal to Izana ever since the moment Izana was there for him after his parents died and made him his servant for the rest of his life. Not a really healthy dynamic, especially when it means he's gone along with wayyyy too much of Izana's craziness and crimes, but it saved Kakucho from killing himself. Not that his attempt to put some sense into Izana when he tries to shoot Mikey goes anywhere because Izana just will not accept that they lost. Even if it means killing Kakucho .

Of course, if anyone is going to be shooting's Kisaki, who shoots Kakucho. He's shot so many people Takemichi cared about, now he's shooting his childhood friend turned rival. Can we finally end this four-eyed piece of @#$% !?
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Old 2023-12-19, 13:44   Link #18
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Takemichi ruined Kisaki's plans for the umpteenth time, so I guess at this point he'll just have to use Kisaki instead of Mikey...and that means killing Kakucho .

Honestly, I was as surprised as everyone when Izana threw himself in front of Kakucho and took the bullets. This is the same guy who wanted Kakucho dead last episode! But it seems like deep down Izana cared about Kakucho, one of the only people who understood him and the world he wanted to create with Tenjiku. It wouldn't have meant anything if Kakucho wasn't there with him .

Tenjiku lost. Both Izana and Kakucho are bleeding out. And literally no one is going to call an ambulance to this thing .

Emma's mom is a real piece of work. She abandoned Emma and has been wasting her days away in Pachinko Parlors. And Izana? Wasn't even her kid, just the child of her ex-husband and some Filipino woman (though that actually explains his skin color). He was never actually related to the Sano's at all (I guess the siblings all only share a father? I've never been too sure about that). And having his entire identity and the family he thought he had seemingly ripped from him basically broke Izana. Shinichiro never cared, but Izana had built up this blood connection that was never there .

Was Izana beyond saving? I mean, he was a warped, psychotic, individual, but on some level you can't help but pity him. Even in his last moments he cries out for Emma, the "sister" he had killed, almost as if he was asking her for salvation or to apologize for what he'd done .

Izana and Kakucho were just two kids who wanted to create a place where they belong, a place for kids without families to have a home, and while there were definitely warning signs (like Izana being fine killing anyone who gets in their way) the sentiment was genuine. And that dream dies with the two of them next to each other as their blood coalesces as they hold hands. RIP Izana and Kakucho .

The Vicious Generation is going to take responsibility out their lingering loyalty towards Izana...but Kisaki can't get away with this. Though of course Hanma shows up out of nowhere like he always does to bail him out !

Takemichi and Draken! Kind of bringing things full circle from the first arc! And even having a shot foot isn't going to stop Takemichi from chasing down Kisaki! And it looks like Draken is getting his final fight with Hanma .

Kisaki really though a cinder block would be enough to stop Takemichi? After everything Kisaki has done, Takemichi is not going to give up. And the two engage in a full brawl for their final confrontation. Beat hm, TAKEMICHI !!!
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Old 2023-12-26, 13:38   Link #19
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It's Takemichi vs Kisaki! The final fight to decide it all and bring this arc to a close! And what better place for the final battle between the two than the parking lot where Hina died ?

Man, if only Takemichi still didn't have that bullet hole in his foot, though he's still giving as good as he's got and beating the snot out of Kisaki .

How has Takemichi always ruined Kisaki's perfectly orchestrated plots time and time again? Why, through time travel of course! And honestly it seems like on some level Kisaki knew what Takemichi was doing to the point where he actually accepts this as an explanation, which explains a lot about how present-day Kisaki's reacted to him .

Has Takemichi unlocked some kind of ability to see peoples' actions in the original timeline when he grabs onto them? Is it just because of the confluence of how pivotal that area was for the both of them ?

Why was Kisaki so bent on killing Hina in every timeline? Because the root of all this, Kisaki's entire plan, the reason he caused so much suffering, pain, and misery in his quest for power...was because he was crushing on Hina as a kid. No, seriously, he thought as a child prodigy Hina MUST be in love with him and then when Hina fell for Takemichi after he saved her Kisaki became obsessed with Takemichi and hijacked his childhood dream of becoming the number one hoodlum so he could out-do Takemichi and marry Hina. If Takemichi was the "hero," then Kisaki was the "dark hero." That's really all this was about. Nerds are crazy sometimes .

But it's just kind of funny how Kisaki forged relationships and used Mikey as his physical stand-in thinking that Takemichi still really cared about becoming the number one delinquent and this was the best way to win Hina over. And every time she rejected him he just had her killed. Could this guy get any more pathetic ?

Now TAKEMICHI has the gun! And it seems like he really would've used it too had Hina and Mikey not showed up! Although a quick bullet to the brain is the least he deserves .

To think what finally does Kisaki in is standing in the middle of the road so he could clarify to Takemichi that he has NOT been time traveling so frikkin' Truck-kun could hit him. Some sleepy truck driver just runs into him instead of, like, actually hitting the brake. Then again, Kisaki body being a mangled mess where he's left in excruciating agony as he dies is actually pretty fitting !

When you get right down to it, Kisaki was always just obsessed with Takemichi and wanted to BE him, the man Hina really loved, and to be the kind of bright Hero people flocked too. But that obsession just got him killed in the end. Good riddance, though .

Draken beats Hanma! Too bad we didn't get to see how Hanma reacted to Kisaki dying .

So Tenjiku is arrested, Sanzu and Koko got away, Emma, Izana, and Kisaki are all dead...and Kakucho is somehow, inexplicably, still alive. Maybe alive he can carry on the dreams of Tenjiku, the real dreams he and Izana had, though the physical and mental scars of what happened are still saying with Takemichi. I can only hope the present-day is better at this point .
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Old 2023-12-27, 18:39   Link #20
Psyco Diver
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
So thats it, all strings have been tied up but I'm not satisfied with that ending. I feel like there are several questions not answered, like the time travel powers or what happens with everyone later like going to his original age?
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