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Old 2011-05-31, 02:40   Link #1
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Spring 2011 Review Thread: Post Your Current Opinion and Grade

I've noticed there's been no seasonal review threads like this as of late. Since I always found those kinds of threads entertaining, I figured I should make this topic for some season midterm (well, more like 2/3rd now) thoughts.

Previous formats went something like this, but obviously you are free to express your thoughts however you want; Your rating can be in terms of letter grades, numerical ratings, facepalms etc. Or maybe you don't believe in grades.

Name of Series:
Episodes Watched:

And for me...

Name of Series: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: B+
Comments: A strong showing that really showcases why Mari Okada is so prolific in the anime industry currently. The story is a bit on the simple side, but the cast really comes alive as we explore each of their pasts and follow them to the present. Cast interaction is fluid and believable. The supernatural plot elements can often lead to some questioning of plot holes but fortunately they aren't really that critical to the main point of the story.

Name of Series: Steins;Gate
Episodes Watched: 8
Rating: A-
Comments: Steins;gate is one of the most entertaining shows of the season, with the cast engaging in silly antics and well written dialogue. Normally, I'd toss such a show out of the window due to its slowness in getting the plot out of the door, but I haven't seen that much anime that could manage to make the story seem serious even with all the silly stuff happening. There's also an extremely ominous atmosphere that is slowly and subtlety building in the background. But of course, the show has yet to show its goods and it can be a bit frustrating to the impatient.

Name of Series: Tiger and Bunny
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B
Comments: I would have never imagined this anime would have caught my attention. I mean ridiculous superheroes and even more ridiculous product placement would usually cause most people to turn away right? Nah, this is actually a pretty hilarious parody of superheroes, asking the question "what if superheroes became part of the corporate world?" You have the idealistic old fashioned heroes clashing with the more practical minded. Reality TV, superhero version! Tiger and Bunny won't make my favorites list any time soon, but it is sure fun to watch.

Name of Series: Kaiji (Season 2)
Episodes Watched: 8
Rating: B-
Comments: Contains all the darkness and insight into humanity as season 1 did. As usual, these are good topics, and they've one upped themselves on the musical soundtrack. That BGM sure is intense. But it's way too drawn out in places, and I always feel like they're trying to waste time to eek out another episode

Name of Series: Dog Days
Episodes Watched: 2
Rating: D-
Comments: Meh, I would think the folks that made Nanoha would create something amusing. However, it's just too umm... well, I can't think of anything to say about it. Furry fanservice just didn't deliver.

Name of Series: Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: D
Comments: Kinda disappointing from the alleged legends of KyoAni. I feel like the gags could be put together better to connect, to form a better showing? This must be the first show of theirs to not make me laugh at all. May get back to this after I'm done with the rest for a second try.

Name of Series: Hana Saku Iroha
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: C+
Comments: This is definitely a candidate for best visuals of the season. A quick look at some of the backgrounds just shows that PA Works is simply a force to be reckoned with when it comes to that kind of thing. The show itself has proven to be a bumpy ride, but at least the lead manages to carry the thing, mostly. The 2 episodes, at the least, seem to be taking the show into in unpredictable and possibly intriguing situation. At the moment, I wasn't impressed by it past the first 2 episodes, but there's potential here, folks.

Name of Series: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: ???
Comments: This looks quite promising, as the setting and one particular character is just insanely bizarre and different. Definitely will look into it when I come back.

Name of Series: Deadman Wonderland
Episodes Watched: 2
Rating: C+
Comments: MM, I guess I have a bias since I'm not too into graphic violence, but at least I can feel for the main character. The rest of the plot... eh.

Sadly, I haven't have had the time to watch many of the spring shows in depth, so I will have to do a lot of backtracking...
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Old 2011-05-31, 04:23   Link #2
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Name of Series:Ano Hana
Episodes Watched:5
Comments:I like the characters, I like the setup, I like the drama. It's not flawless, but it is just so damn griping.

Name of Series: Denpa Onna
Episodes Watched: 4
Rating: C+
Comments: The characters are good, the dialogue is interesting, unfortunately it have to go somewhere and the show have yet to show signs of it. If I am going to watch shows for characters, there are far more interesting shows in this spring.

Name of Series: Dog Days
Episodes Watched: 3
Rating: D-
Comments: The setting feels lazy, the fighting is lazy, if you think I am raging about no death or no wounded or no grimdark, go f* yourself. I repeat, everything about Dog Days feel lazy, uninspired, and as a result, it is uncompelling. And I have from people in IRC about the slight change of tone in more recent episodes but it is TOO late. Spice & Wolf was interesting from the first episode, showing that I can enjoy a fantasy anime that is not grimdrak and is not a clone of Lodoss or Berserk.

Name of Series: Hidan no Aria
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: C+
Comments: I first did not like the titular character but she was something that another hypercompetent character from a franchise was not, she showed her age, she is immature, insecure and as a result, I have become more forgiving. But even the rest of the cast is as interesting. And unlike Dog Days, the world IS compelling. So why the C+ instead of a B- or B? It looks like JCStaff is cutting corners in some scenes, and it is jarring when you compare it to scenes like that one in episode 4 where it shows what happens when the studio gets its shit together. Not to mention one of the most distracting and cringeworthy censorship I have seen in a while. And I am not even a fan of pettanko who would bitch about not seeing the weekly fix of surfboard chests.

Name of Series: steins;gate
Episodes Watched: 8
Rating: perhaps A-
Comments: This show, I'll put it above Ano Hana. It have almost everything I love. The male protagonist IS hilariously awesome. The rest of the cast are not overshadowed by him, and are able to stand on their own. To be honest, I have had more fun watching Okarin and his Merry Friends goofing around in eight episodes than I ever did watching the two entire seasons of K-On. And it offer an interesting story as well, not to mention well crafted atmosphere and a marvelous seiyuu in-cast chemistry. Try stein;gate, adopt it, love it.

I come for Kurisu, I stay for Okarin, I love the entire cast.

Last edited by Sheba; 2011-05-31 at 04:33.
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Old 2011-05-31, 04:27   Link #3
Akito Kinomoto
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Unfortunately I've only seen one episode of one show, though I do guarantee I'll be getting to the big hits from this season before long. On the brightside a little more attention can be directed toward the work in question. That show being KyoAni's 3rd 4-koma adaptation, Nichijou.

I've always carried an affection for the tried and true "cute girls doing cute things" genre, because I don't mind letting all my thoughts go and just being swept along by the insanity of it all. Of course, I expect to either ass my laugh off or just suffer a heart attack from how endearing they are, and this anime falls flat on a spectacular level.

It becomes clear from the get-go that Nichijou isn't going to try to win any awards for being heartwarming, so one can only assume it's a comedy at heart with a visual gag-dominated flavor. But it can't even pretend its funny because every stunt someone pulls is met with such a remarkable lack of emotion from the characters that it becomes all too plausible to think that the Seiyu's in this project are self-aware of how questionable the direction is.

I have heard it gets better, but like K-On! and Lucky Star before it, odds are that one episode is going to be exactly like the others. This is the first time KyoAni has disappointed me, and it's disheartening. Is this what the fans are demanding? because we're killing this lovable niche of otakudom as we speak. And as far as the chances of me giving this anime another try? Fifty/Fifty.
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Old 2011-05-31, 04:30   Link #4
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Reviving old traditions? Sure why not ...

What I'm following week by week:

The World God Only Knows Season 2
Episodes 1-8
Much better than the previous season at least in the comedy department, with episode 8 marking the funniest episode out the entire show thus far. The direction seems to have generally improved as well, and the pacing for each arc also is better. Still, with all the improvements, the music still remains an issue. While it covers every base from Romance to Dramatic, it still has no track for the comedic scenes, leaving the majority of those as silent scenes without any score, and lessing the impact of the jokes.

That being said, the music during Chihiro's arc was phenomenal and the direction helped make her more fleshed out compared to the manga counterpart (in a way, this arc was better than even Shiori's)

Hopefully the series continues on for another season and another one and another one. I just hope it will improve as time goes on.

Tiger & Bunny
Episodes 1-9
The dark horse of the season, without a shadow of a doubt. This show is such a wonderful treat to watch week by week. The relationship between Bunny and Kotetsu is truly heartwarming, all the characters are likable and I find myself amused by the pokes they give the superhero genre.

Excellent stuff

Hana Saku Iroha
Episodes 1-9
Masahiro Ando. P.A.Works. Slice-of-Life. Coming of Age. All of these things were what initially drawn me to watch this show, and I haven't been disappointed in the regards of fantastic looking visuals and (at least when Ando takes the helm) the impeccable directing. The writing at times leaves much to be desired (though I will freely admit that my reaction to episode 8 has been reevaluated after watching episode 9 to a much positive one) but the show nevertheless makes me want to not miss a single episode. I much prefer it when it doesn't take itself to seriously, but it manages to do quite well when it finds the right balances of comedy/drama.

Episodes 1-8
Man, what the hell happened? Madhouse finally made a Marvel anime that doesn't suck. I honestly thought at first when I read all the people who said that the first episode was the best of the season that they either went mad or were trolling. I suppose they went mad, since I watched the show and I actually think it's good as well lol

Much of the credit goes to the visual aspect of the show, where this is pretty much a solid action show with decent to amazing looking fights, and very interesting visual directions. The writing isn't half bad (compared to the previous two shows that means this is a literary classic) and this has what I suppose is the best characterization of Scott Summers ... ever?

Still, there isn't really much to praise with the villains, other than they work as good fodder for the fights.

Sket Dance
Episodes 1-8

Episode 200+ :P
No rating

MY Ordinary Life
Episodes 1-8
A rather simple show. I like the visual work (episode 8 in particular was very good to watch) but other than that the jokes had been hit and miss with me. It's not bad by any means, just I can't really say it outdoes it self in any particular area other than being really nice looking.

Still a nice show to watch while drinking mint tea.

Episodes 1-19
Ah, Gosick. The show I was most anxious to see two seasons ago. Looking back, I was really enthusiastic for it at first, but sort of ... stopped. I still watch it, and I cared enough to get caught up recently, but the old flame is gone I suppose?

Still, Studio A had done a good job so far with this adaption, and the sales show that it exceeded their expectations (at least initially, and not by much anyway) so all is good. Plus there is an episode where everyone starts fighting with desks like it's pro wrestling, so I can't say it's not amusing

Digimon Xross Warz
Episodes 1-31 & the second season
A- so far

Vanguard Cardfighter
Episodes 1-16

Series I had fallen behind:

Episodes 1-5
Best show of the season for myself, and I have much praise to say about it, but would rather to catch up first ...

more to come
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Old 2011-05-31, 05:03   Link #5
Yuri µ'serator
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Name of Series: Steins;Gate
Episodes Watched: 8/26
Rating: 9.5/10
Comments: At first I was a bit unsure about the series and where it was going for the first few episodes, but the character interactions are amazing most of the time, and the cast is fairly interesting over all, and given the length of the series the plot is moving at a reasonable, and I'd be lying to saying if I wasn't looking forward to this show every week .

Name of Series: Lotte no Omocha! [Astarotte's Toy!]
Episodes Watched: 8/12
Rating: 9/10
Comments: Definitely the better of the tsundere loli Kugimiya Rie series this season, assuming you don't need action to watch one . I was rather hesitant to watch the show after I read the premise, even though the character designs looked so great, so I gave it a chance and despite the premise the show has managed to vastly avoid fanservice[it does still have some at times] and it's premise exception in mentions verbal a few times is non-existent. Thanks to the story it's been a cute, humorous, and heart warming story about family in a way . And some of the twists from it so far have been interesting and pretty fun to watch characters react . Though the latest episode put a little bit of worry in about how it's going to end, but I have faith in the series.

Name of Series: Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II[Second Season of The World God Only Knows]
Episodes Watched: 8/?
Rating: 9/10
Comments: If you liked the first season, then the second will not disappoint, it's just been great so far. It's kept true to first season completely

Good to Great[pending rest of episodes]:
Name of Series: Hidan no Aria[Aria the Scarlet Ammo]
Episodes Watched: 7/13
Rating: 7.5
Comments: I am kinda of tsundere for this Kugimiya Rie show , the first two episodes seemed a bit too generic to me, but the arc after that greatly redeemed the show in my eyes as it was much better and made the first two acceptable build up to it, though since this is J.C. I don't trust them until the series actually ends after last season >.>.

Name of Series: Hanasaku Iroha
Episodes Watched: 9/26
Rating: 7
Comments: This show has been good, but I feel it has the potential to be better than what it is currently some of the episodes have been great, while others seemed a little lacking to me, though the animation is great. I wish they went with a different singer for the OP[and other songs aside from the main ED] though .

Name of Series: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
Episodes Watched: 7/13?
Rating: 7.5
Comments: While I am finding the characters and interactions[past and present] all very believable, I still find the plot and drama to be moving a tad randomly in speed per episode, but I am enjoying the show, so hopefully it will it end well.

Name of Series: A-Channel
Episodes Watched: 8/?
Rating: 8
Comments: A show though feels very much like K-On at times, but it doesn't have a band, yet so far it probably has more different insert songs than K-On did by a long shot, not that I am complaining since I like most of the Seiyuu's singing here . The show have given a great feeling of who the main 4 girls are, and given a fair amount of time to the side characters are. It's nothing ground breaking, but it's something enjoyable, relaxing, ussually funny and cute to watch every week .

Name of Series: Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 9/26?
Rating: 6.5
Comments: While the comedy for some scenes has been hit or miss at times, it's more hits than misses to me generally, but aside from the comedy, what kyoto animations has really shown with the series is their animation and music ability some of the scenes have just been epic in regards to animation, or mood set by the mood, so if even the comedy could be a bit better, it's still interesting to watch for those parts of the series too. The OP and ED both have excellent animation to them as well.

Name of Series: Denpa Onna
Episodes Watched: 1/?
Rating: ?
Comments: Only saw the first episode, but seems like Shaft found another bizarre comedy series to animate that seemed ok from the first episode, so I'll probably finish it later.

Name of Series: Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox
Episodes Watched: 6/13
Rating: 4
Comments: My friend tried this one with me, and well it wasn't terrible awful, but it was definitely below average and what we had hoped... it was funny at some parts, but it was rather generic other times, and given the premise I was at least hoping for some subtext yuri, but for the most part that's somehow almost no existent even with almost no male characters[one male dog, no other males at all ], so seems like now it was mostly for fanservice. So I am really having trouble finding motivation to even watch more of it, or finish the series.

OVAs Series:
Name of Series: Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials [True End]
Episodes Watched: 3/4
Rating: 9.5
Comments: I didn't realize just how great the show would be without Kirino appearing in it for a while, I've just loved the true end episodes so far .

Name of Series: Kämpfer für die Liebe
Episodes Watched: 2/2
Rating: 5.5
Comments: The first episode was a good continuation to the series and gave me hope they might give the series a proper ending someday, but the second episode was kind of disappointingly pointless comparatively, but it was decently amusing to watch I suppose.

Also this show made just how much recent stuff I am watching...
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Old 2011-05-31, 07:28   Link #6
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This season has been a breath of fresh air, with many original and splendid shows.

That being said, I'll start with a quick list of what I really didn't like.

Spoiler for Dropped series short thoughts:

On to the shows I'm actually following. It has to be a personal record for most shows followed, though I'm taking it slow with some of them.

Spoiler for Long post is long:
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Old 2011-05-31, 09:29   Link #7
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This season sucks, no joke or troll. I just saw one of them. I'm not a big fan of any 'smart' shows anyway.

Name of Series: Kämpfer für die Liebe
Episodes Watched: 2/2
Rating: B-
Comments: Not much to say but it's a disappointing OVA of Kampfer. Why not make a full 12-episode series instead?
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Old 2011-05-31, 12:37   Link #8
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Originally Posted by Echoes View Post
This season has been a breath of fresh air, with many original and splendid shows.

That being said, I'll start with a quick list of what I really didn't like.

Spoiler for Dropped series short thoughts:
I get the the impression you think it's that kind of show when it's not .
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Old 2011-05-31, 13:07   Link #9
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
I get the the impression you think it's that kind of show when it's not .
You might be right, as I've only seen one episode, and some screenshots and the story synopsis is what really makes me shiver about the show. I mean sheesh, I don't even think I can quote it here without getting in hot water. Perhaps I've judged it too quickly, but it seemed to cater to something that I not the least bit interested in.
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Old 2011-05-31, 13:29   Link #10
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Originally Posted by Echoes View Post
You might be right, as I've only seen one episode, and some screenshots and the story synopsis is what really makes me shiver about the show. I mean sheesh, I don't even think I can quote it here without getting in hot water. Perhaps I've judged it too quickly, but it seemed to cater to something that I not the least bit interested in.
Really the synopsis is only verbally used and rarely at that, and the show might even be more tame[fanservice wise] than Hidan no Aria given Riko's stunt a few episodes ago . So I am rather confused what screenshot of the show you saw . The real story of starts once thing start to be revealed about Naoya[the male lead], but those that's spoilers, so couldn't be mentioned in the synopsis .
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Old 2011-05-31, 14:33   Link #11
Kaioshin Sama
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Weird, I feel like I've already done this for some reason....oh well:

Name of Series: Tiger & Bunny
Rating: A
Episodes Watched: 9
Comments: I had kind of expected to like this since Sunrise shows almost always hit on all the things I like in my anime, but even then I didn't expect to like it this much. There's so much chemistry between the cast that is built up over time and the premise of Superheroes that are basically corporate employees who compete for ratings on a TV show called Hero TV, but deep down have a strong sense of justice. I also REALLY love the character design in it's uniqueness. Lots of detail and feature went into these characters. Just great all around and it's only getting more complex and intriguing from here.

Name of Series: Steins Gate
Rating: B+
Episode Watched: 8
Comments: Great production values, likeable characters and a time travel plotline give me plenty of hope for the visual novel adaptation genre. I think it helps that the story is based in sci-fi inside of blase romance, but there's a lot here that intrigues me, from the use of the John Titor internet myth, to the whole interplay between the cast. Also the moe appeal of some of the characters like Kurisu and Mayuri feels genuine, like it comes from a clear-cut personality as opposed to a checklist of things that the characters should do that Akihabara would find moe. If that makes much sense to anybody.

Name of Series: Deadman Wonderland
Rating: B
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: Again great production values, but the show has fallen of for me just a little bit since the whole underground bloodsport fighting arc started otherwise it would probably be like an A- at least. Whereas the early episodes set up an interesting story of Ganta being framed and trying to find the man who framed him while attempting to survive in a private prison the recent episodes seem to be more about reveling in violence and brutality for the sake of violence in brutality. As if to say, "Look at how much flat out sadism we can showcase on television". Recently though it's picked back up with some interesting plot twists and revelations about the characters past, so hopefully it stays that way.

Name of Series: C: The Money of Possibility and Soul Control
Rating: C-
Episodes Watched 7
Comments: There's not quite enough of a budget left to do a proper review so I'll keep it short. This show has an interesting concept about money and ethics that is marred by some of the choppiest editing and cheap visuals I have ever seen such that it's almost impossible to follow what's going on at times.
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Old 2011-05-31, 15:22   Link #12
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No Complaints Tier:

Steins; Gate: Subtle suspense done right
I love the voices in this show. We're less than halfway through, but I'm optimistic. I'm not the hugest fan of the character designs, and it's a bit slow, but the characters are great, and the writing is pretty good.

Hanasaku Iroha: Way above average, but not quite great.
While not the legendary coming of age show its first episode (or two) suggested, it's better than most shows out there. Again, we're less than halfway through, but this ranking reflects my optimism.

A-Channel: Almost perfect, given the subject matter.
Large-scale plot is minimum, and premise (or lack thereof) and character archetypes have been done 1000 times before. But cuteness is maximum and execution is great, IMO. The main characters and even the side characters bounce off each other well, so this show makes me smile every week. The insert songs are kind of a fun addon.

Above Average Tier:

Tiger and Bunny: Great main character, but otherwise surprisingly generic.
The two things this show has going for it are characters and commentary on commercialism. Unfortunately I've realized that none of the things it's saying about commercialization are thought provoking to me, since I'm already too cynical, I pay too much attention to advertising, and I've seen too many pro sports PR campaigns. You could probably pick any professional sport and make a show exactly like this. The only difference is that superheroes have to make moral choices much more often, but the moral issues for superheroes have been pretty thoroughly explored elsewhere, making many parts of the show feel trite to me. So the plot is kind of meh overall, but Kotetsu is a great main character, and he carries the show as far as I'm concerned.

Astalotte no Omocha: Parenting, the anime
Rather than the loll harem the synopsis might suggest, it's more like the main character is being friends / a father figure. It's too bad so many people got scared off by the synopsis. I really like Rie in this one, even though her characters normally rub me the wrong way. If we took my Yukarin Bias into account, this would be one tier higher

Average Tier:

Denpa Onna: Girls with issues, the anime
I'm watching this for the wackiness and the character designs. Occasionally strays too far into generic harem territory.

Nichijou: Hit or miss.
They need more stuff like the zeppelin/wood cube scene. Some of the material is getting a bit repetitive though, like the Professor's misbehaving, Nano's random gadgets, and Yuuko failing at life. When the show isn't being repetitive, it's pretty good though, and it's occasionally hilarious. Visual direction is great. We're less than halfway through this show too, but unlike the two shows above where I pointed that out, I'm pessimistic about Nichijou since I'm expecting it to get more and more repetitive. I hope to be wrong about that.

I Fail at Keeping Up with Shows Tier:

I can't remember why I fell behind, but I'll catch up with this eventually… it seemed like it had the makings of a good show from the 1 episode I watched.

I read the manga every week, but somehow I never get around to watching the anime. They're never going to get to Yui's arc anyways...

Dropped Tier:

Dog Days
If I had unlimited free time, I might still be watching this, since I like the action sequence choreography, and the characters seem likable enough. Maybe I'll pick it back up someday. The setting is kind of lame.

I should have remembered that I always find baseball boring, both in real life and in anime. Even if the baseball is kind of secondary to the management stuff, I couldn't get past that. Oh well.

Deadman Wonderland
I never ended up caring at all about the main character, so it felt melodramatic. Probably not my cup of tea anyways.

Hidan no Aria
To compare to another recent similar series, this is better than Infinite Stratos. The only problem is that this moves it out of my "I'm going to turn my brain completely off" category. So the enjoyment level actually ends up being lower.

Special Category (aka Drossel Tier):

Fireball Charming
Best 1 minute/ep show I've ever seen, not that it has much competition. For whatever reason, Drossel is probably the only figma I would ever consider buying.
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Old 2011-05-31, 15:39   Link #13
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
Really the synopsis is only verbally used and rarely at that, and the show might even be more tame[fanservice wise] than Hidan no Aria given Riko's stunt a few episodes ago . So I am rather confused what screenshot of the show you saw . The real story of starts once thing start to be revealed about Naoya[the male lead], but those that's spoilers, so couldn't be mentioned in the synopsis .
The difference is that these girls look like they're about 8, and that, to me, is a bit deterrence; even if the fanservice is relatively mild. Refer to Sankaku's articles on the show for said screenshots.

If the show is everything the synopsis say it isn't, then fine, but it's given me no reason to continue on. (Except for your word now, I suppose )
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Old 2011-05-31, 15:49   Link #14
Bittersweet Distractor
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Well I guess I can offer my seasonal review. Long as it may be...

Name of Series: Steins;Gate
Rating: A
Episodes Watched: 9
Comments: Best show of the season for me. The cast is very likable, and their interactions are just a great pleasure to watch. All the meanwhile the plot is roasting nice and slowly like a fine roast beef. The revelations made keep getting better and better. The ideas of time travel and the spin on the John Titor story make for a very interesting plot.

Name of Series: Ano Hana
Rating: A-
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: Lovely show, but the drama at times seems to try too hard at times. Still, very solid series, and depending on its ending, can elevate to an even higher status.

Name of Series: Deadman Wonderland
Rating: B+
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: The brutality did indeed distract the plot a little. It had a fantastic start this show, but it got too caught up in trying to show off violence. Still the show seems to be going back in a more interesting direction again. Who wouldn't feel bad for Ganta?

Name of Series: Denpa Onna
Rating: B
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: Dark horse of the season for me perhaps? I would've never expected to have so much fun with this series, but the characters are just incredibly cute, and the interactions are lovely. All the meanwhile it feels like there's a semblance of a serious plot and narrative behidn everything, which just gives the show the needed boost.

Name of Series: Tiger & Bunny
Rating: B
Episodes Watched: 6
Comments: I'm a bit behind on this show, but will catch up later. I'll just echo the sentiments that the character interactions in this show are gold. It's also really nice to see characters that are adults. Tired of teenagers in animes lately.

Name of Series: Moshidora
Rating: B
Episodes Watched: 10
Comments: Powerful ending, flat beginning. If the beginning was a bit better, this show could've really lifted off into the stratosphere. Really nice to see a show with zero fan service, and a real bittersweet story to boot.

Name of Series: Hanasaku Iroha
Rating: B-
Episodes Watched: 9
Comments: Would've rated this show an A- up through the first two episodes. However, with the tailing off into nonsensical episodes between 3 and 7, the show lost a lot of its favor with me. Still I'm hopeful in can recover in the future episodes and provide me more of the same excellence I had hoped for at the start.

Name of Series: Ao no Exorcist
Rating: B-
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: Standard shonenesque story, but really well executed. I can't say there are any real flaws with this show thus far. Very good.

Name of Series: C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Rating: C+
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: The show's potential is a bit marred by the poor production values it has received. It's too bad, because the idea is truly a great one, and the plot itself is wonderful and interesting. Still, very entertaining and worth watching.

Name of Series: World Only God Knows II
Rating: C+
Episodes Watched: 8
Comments: Great production values but the first arc and Hacqua's arc weren't that great for me. There have been tons of great laughs though and the Chichiro arc was great. Will continue to enjoy.

Name of Series: Hidan no Aria
Rating: C-
Episodes Watched: 7
Comments: Some episodes fall into severely average territory. Otherwise though it's a bit of a fun show, something to chill out with a little nonsensical action like your typical average summer blockbuster movie. Wouldn't recommend it to someone though at the moment.

Name of Series: Sket Dance
Rating: D+
Episodes Watched: 2
Comments: Put on hold. So far it's pretty meh and average. Nothing to get excited about. Will check out more later if I have the time since I nevre got to give the full 3 episode test.

Name of Series: Dog Days
Rating: D-
Episodes Watched: 3
Comments: There's no reason for me to care about the characters. The plot's boring, the action's mind numbing. The fanservice is what the fuck? This show is trash. Failure.

Name of Series: Nichijou
Rating: F
Episodes Watched: 1
Comments: lolwut
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Old 2011-05-31, 16:03   Link #15
Yuri µ'serator
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Originally Posted by Echoes View Post
The difference is that these girls look like they're about 8, and that, to me, is a bit deterrence; even if the fanservice is relatively mild. Refer to Sankaku's articles on the show for said screenshots.
Uh... you know Lotte and Asuha look 8 because they are, well technically 10 but close enough . And Sankaku has picked the most ridiculous images from each episode without fail .
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Old 2011-05-31, 16:19   Link #16
Ass connoisseur
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I've had more than enough with romance/harem/moe shit, so that dropped my watchables considerably...

Name of Series: Dog Days
Episode Watched: 3/12
Comments: Dear God, Tsuzuki's masterpiece was Fate Testarossa(A's to a lesser degree )...Everything beyond that has been an insult to his own intelligence.

Name of Series: Deadman Wonderland
Episodes Watched: 7/12
Rating: 7.5/10
Comments: Wow, what to say about Deadman Wonderland...Well, for one, it's very gory, and I'm not even a fan of gore. And the penalty games...don't even get be started on the penalty game... However, it does well to express just how sick and twisted some individuals can be. Also, while the battles themselves are nothing special, the lead ups to them are fairly entertaining.

Name of Series: Ao no Exorcist
Episodes Watched: 7/?
Rating: 8.5/10
Comments: Considering the series has been essentially all filler up to this point, it is surprising how much I'm enjoying it. I suppose the fluid animation and adventure esque story is mainly what draws me in. I've always been a big fan of adventure, and this looks to be a rather unique take on the adventure genre. And to seal the deal, most of the characters are either likable and/or comedic.

Name of Series: Gintama'
Episodes Watched: 8/?
Rating: 9/10
Comments: Gintama is a comedy with near perfect execution. Amidst the hilarity and comedic side of this anime though, Gintama doesn’t fail to deliver intense drama and tragedy to the mix. Sometimes, both comedy and drama are incorporated in just one scene – which is often times pulled off flawlessly. The art in Gintama is nothing to write home about, but it does put in the time and effort where it is most needed. All of the characters are well designed and are identifiable from a hundred paces even when they are pulling strange faces, which is a massive help when the cast are such a large part of the humour. The sound design, in particular the effects, are also very well designed and greatly add to the impact of the jokes. So, what keeps this anime from a perfect 10? Well, for one, the comedy can some times be a little too grotesque for my liking. Also, this series is episodic by nature and with 200 episodes (if you include the orignal series) and counting, the lack of story progression can start to detract from ones overall enjoyment. However, as a returning series, Gintama succeeds marvelously. If you have already watched and enjoyed Gintama, then feel free to rejoice as this is yet more of the show you already know and love, if perhaps somewhat sharpened and honed by its time off of the air.

Name of Series: Kaiji: Hakairoku Hen
Episodes Watched: 8/?
Rating: 10/10
Side Note: Because I currently have a crush on Kaiji (The series, not the character...okay, maybe both) This may feel more like a review then a first impression)
Comments: Ever wondered what life would be like if there were no rules of honor or even common decency? Me neither - the consequences of such a world would just be too horrible to contemplate, let alone enjoy. So the fact that I have remained hopelessly enticed throughout this dark and sadistic title can only be due to Kaiji's indisputable skill at turning the worst possible situation into an inkling of hope only to have them get crushed time and time again. Despite every cringe suffered and every ‘Oh my God, that did not just happen!' uttered along the way, I have nevertheless been unable to tear my eyes away. From the "zawa zawa" to let you know shit just got worse, to the often convoluted strategies Kaiji comes up with in order to survive easily cross the boundaries of genius, and straight into perfection.

While overtly ugly, the character designs are also unquestioningly perfect. I say this because anything more pleasant to look at would have failed to capture the inherently monstrous personalities present. With thick lines and sharp, exaggerated features, the cast of Kaiji have a unique look that, for some reason, makes them seem more expressive than normal. When a devious character grins in delight, my stomach turns in genuine revulsion. Hell, even the opening and ending themes are thoroughly enjoyable and highly suitable to boot. The BG music is mostly instrumental mood-setter which enhances the dark atmosphere very well while the episode is playing.

In closing, beyond the slight imperfections in animation and a tendency to veer into the absurd, Kaiji has no flaws. It manages to provide consistent nail-biting thrills which should not be missed by anyone. If you like your psychological suspense lathered in dark cynicism, then Kaiji's journey is without a doubt the epitome of enjoyable.

Last edited by Demi.; 2011-05-31 at 16:59.
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Old 2011-05-31, 16:43   Link #17
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Name of Series: Ano Hana
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: B+
Comments: Really love this show. The characters (most of the time) are very intriguing and it is a fun show overall. Only thing keeping it from an A is Menma gets on my nerves at times.

Name of Series: Deadman Wonderland
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: A
Comments: The show I look forward the most to watch every week. The violence, Kana Hanazawa, crazy yandere girl, giant boobed prison guard. So much awesome.

Name of Series: Iroha
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A
Comments: I love everything about this show.

Name of Series: Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: C+
Comments: This show is so weird. Just completely random.

Name of Series: Denpa Onna
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: B-
Comments: above average. Also very random at times

Name of Series: C
Episodes Watched: 4
Rating: I
Comments: Need to watch more. Incomplete right now

Name of Series: Steins;Gate
Episodes Watched: 8
Rating: B-
Comments: At times a complete mess, but I think Kana Hanazawa's character makes it above average

Name of Series: something something Wings
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: F
Comments: Complete crap, even for harem

Name of Series: Blue Exorcist
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: C+
Comments: would have been higher except ep 6 was so bad it dropped a grade.

Name of Series: Bridge to the Starry Skies
Episodes Watched: 4
Rating: C
Comments: pretty average, but I like the character designs

Name of Series: Sengoku Otome
Episodes Watched: 3
Rating: C
Comments: more average stuff

Name of Series: Sket Dance
Episodes Watched: 4
Rating: C-
Comments: It just never really got interesting.
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Old 2011-05-31, 17:04   Link #18
Guardian Enzo
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How sad not to see Dororon on any of these lists...
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Old 2011-05-31, 17:07   Link #19
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Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
Uh... you know Lotte and Asuha look 8 because they are, well technically 10 but close enough . And Sankaku has picked the most ridiculous images from each episode without fail .
You say that like it's a good thing. Actually being 10 is even worse than just looking it.

Sankaku always picks the most extreme version of, well, anything, but that's hardly worth delving into. I took that into calculation.

Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
How sad not to see Dororon on any of these lists...
I feel the same way about Maria Holic Alive.
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Old 2011-05-31, 17:14   Link #20
Bittersweet Distractor
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Age: 32
Keep in mind the sheer amount of shows this season and some of us are busy people .

If you guys can make a strong case for the shows, more interest would develop.
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