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Old 2007-09-15, 23:05   Link #10001
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Off-topic, but I don't care, I want the 10 001th

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Oh also 10k post apparently, sweet.


Let me find something to put here...
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:06   Link #10002
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yeah... a submarine captain would know that...

Visual is only as good as the eyes and field...

Magic/Radiation: only good for real range or detecting that incoming shot, no good in masse

Psychic: no clue, who would dare map the thoughts of possibly millions in a battle?


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Old 2007-09-15, 23:08   Link #10003
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Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Oh also 10k post apparently, sweet.
Congrats to you then; you have made history here....

Anyway, another preview for SearcherS 9....

Spoiler for SearcherS 9-preview 2:

Reference for that "object":
Spoiler for for space:
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:10   Link #10004
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Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
Well, it's done

Spoiler for Hayate & Yui:

Unfortunately, Yui ended up a bit short

Well, here height would be somewhere between Teana's and Erio's

Too bad they haven't announced the height (three sizes too ) of the characters in StrikerS, it'd be easier to define a height of my OC characters


So nice... Hayate came out perfectly!

And Yui sure ended up way shorter than I expected... Considering how short Hayate is supposed to be...


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
The secret to hidden h4xx is to be vague, as Aurion exemplifies and Chaos takes to the extreme.


Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
@ Thread
Are there any other characters apart from Tesla, Keroko and Kha that have been attached to RF6? I'm thinking of using them in the upcoming showdown between the Weavers and the Aces... for part 7 of my ficlet.

Currently with the Aces are (Unlimited fight)
Nanoha, Fate, Signum, Shamal and Zafira. (sorry no Hayate but from what we've seen, she can only get her limiter released by Chrono and Carim, meaning that she would be no use in this battle, where as the limiters of the others are in the control of Hayate.)
with possible roles to be played by Tesla, Keroko and Kha...

It's either that or throw in a humongous pile of drones into the equation to better represent the manhunt.
Full release against them? Whoo... Sounds dangerous...

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
"...Let the bodies hit the floor. (Part III) "

Summary: Continuing from the previous one several days ago... A brief look into one of the three Destroyers' combat style. As usual, more... Fitting background music to entertain the viewers, gruesome alien deaths, and finally more average-level English use to project those images for you.

Here is the dark prince himself and his solo performance !!

Background information first

Spoiler for Neo-Valmar Style:

Song title:


P.S - I changed the name of the spell slightly...

Spoiler for "Somebody called for an Exterminator?":

P.S - It's 2:30 am here, so I sort of went super fast near the end

That was way more insane compared to Jeno and Lance's fights!
Cero sure has quite a dangerous arsenal.

Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
An interesting piece there. More of Cero, I see. And, yes, Zerglings make good practice, it seems.

With more thanks to SparkZ, it is to you that I present the third of the drawn Letters- F!

Spoiler for Secret Agent Man...:

He isn't colored in, so to speak, due to his IS, Invisible Frame, which, as it suggests, allows him to conceal himself. Also, hence my unfunny spoiler title.

Once again, many thanks to you, SparkZ.
Sein looks tsun-tsun there.
Anyway, F also reminds me of the Lucky Star version of Daisuke Ono.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Mostly just the DS style boss is what did it for me aside from that I don’t have much issue with anything else you’ve done, but that boss is well… a pretty big thing in and of itself and a fairly easy example. I’ve also just never been a fan of huge super weapons to begin with either as random good guy trump cards or seemingly unstoppable (expect for one weakness) foes. I can already tell stopping this thing is probably going to involve a likely contrived series of events and a hint of deux ex machina most likely since it’s WAY outside what any of the canon stuff could logically handle in a normal fashion.

The boss itself is also just SO Far beyond ANYTHING we’ve ever seen even insinuated, the cradle was pretty large, but it’s NOTHING compared to this. Being moon sized it’s probably millions (perhaps billions if it’s a big moon) of times the volume and mass with proportional increases in required structural strength and power generation.

There is nothing scientific about any of this, not even vaguely. I’d rather you just stick with “it’s magic” then butcher good science to try and make it sound reasonable; which none of it even vaguely is. For instance simply building something the size of the Death Star that could move at even a snails pace would take materials with MILLIONS of times the yield strength of high grade steel, it’s arguable if a material of such strength is even physically possible without some kind of totally unrealistic structural integrity field or mass lightening. If it is just that strong though nothing we’ve ever seen a Nanoha Verse mage or indeed most warships do could probably even dent a blast door, a few inches of the stuff would probably resist contact nuclear detonations, never mind the actual hull.

The power generation capabilities simply to move the thing would be approaching stellar level outputs. Channeled into any kind of reasonable shield nothing in the Nanoha verse ever seen could dent that. Further even if we assume a very low density of weapons emplacements given its surface area we’re still looking at MILLIONS of heavy weapons installations quite probably hundreds of them for every ship in the attack fleet. .

Further given its sheer mass even IF you somehow got dozens of Arc-en-Ciels through to the hull and even if that hull proved vulnerable to them you’d still accomplish almost nothing, the amount of mass they could blast off it would be inconsequential, we’re taking probably fractions of a percent, and unless its reactor is on the outside or something that’s not going to do JACK. The sheer scale of something “moon sized” often seems to escape sci-fi writers (as dose scale in general) never mind the capabilities inherent to something that size even vaguely competently designed.

The “Death Star Style” boss did and still dose strike me as totally hacked and wildly outside canon. The Cradle (the supposed ship of the King) was no where near that size for instance and as you said was hyped as a match for the fleet at full power (though that’s another point I don’t think the TSAB fleet is as big as some people do I’d bet on a few hundred ships at the most). I still think blowing up a planet is also probably outside what the Nanoha-verse is reasonably capable of even with Lost Logia.

This is my view and it’s what I am and will stick too in my own writings. Lost Logia are dangerous indeed (MORE then enough to strictly controlled for sure) but mostly in a biohazard or rouge nuclear weapon rather then “planet/universe ending threat” kind of way. At least that’s my take on it planets and universes are fucking tough, and I don’t like throwing out stuff that can affect either on a large scale willy-nilly in an attempt to make the fight seem “important” particularly when canon shows little support for them.

All that said aside from this bit I haven’t seen anything really objectionable. I’d have to see the other two things used or at least their powers more detailed to make any sort of call on them, but I doubt they’re anymore “scientific”, more so since one is relying on the ever popular and totally vague, “Energy field.”

You’re past that, way past IMO. In fact you came to that line and leapt over it naked, screaming, and on FIRE.

Some try most of it and the fact you even admit to having planet wrecking potential shows how wildly outside anything hinted at you are given that no mage has even approached nuclear level in canon never mind the stellar level outputs it would take to really damage a planet. I wonder if some of you people grasp just how much power taking out a planet entails.

Here’s a quick thing to help put it in perspective Anti-matter is powerful right? In fact according to current physics it’s the most powerful energy reaction possible since it converts matter to pure energy. (but it’s also often overrated as allot of that “energy” comes out as useless neutrinos, you know the slippery little bugger that can fly though a light year of lead without hitting anything… acutally scores of them are passing right through as you read this.) Anyway, the Death Star is a pretty famous planet killer and a good example since it doesn’t use any funky reactions; it just zaps a planet with a giant ray gun and destroys it.

The power required to blow up a planet death star style is so high that powering a single shot would required a ball of anti-matter/matter at the density of uranium, 500 kilometers wide! Even simply melting the upper crust would require more power then that contained in every nuclear bomb ever built. Either of these is Millions to Billions of times the most generous energy output level possibly attributable to a mage.

Even shit that’s consider like huge like Starlight breaker is barely above MOAB level, it’s not even near nuclear range. Anyone talking about taking out cities or planets has already left canon miles behind beat up, bloodily, and unconscious in a ditch at the side of the road.

Which to me shows you might just be incapable of coming with villains that seem dangerous but aren’t ludicrously overpowered and outside anything seen it canon, so to compensate you also wank the hell out of the good guys. MORE POWAH!!!! Dose not a good or interesting story make. It also makes it rather hard to expand on it when you’ve already dealt with a potential universe ending threat… I mean many of those can there fucking be!?

AKA you’ve made up shit as an excuse to do whatever the hell you want and ignore canon power levels, limits, logic, and common sense. The fact you try to use Quantum mechanics as an excuse shows me you’re likely clueless as what that discipline acutally is. Quantum mechanics is the science of things at the most minute scales of the universe, and yes AT that most TINY of scales quantum mechanics can sometimes seem to defy classic physics, but that’s a key point at that tiny scale. (Quantum mechanics DOSE NOT SCALE) Once you enlarge the scale quantum mechanics becomes classic physics and all its annoying rules like conversation of energy and momentum, inefficiency, relativity, etc apply to you.

Classic physics is the laws and rules for the macro (above atomic) scale, quantum mechanics are the rules and laws at the micro (below atomic) scale. When the later becomes the former, or the former the later then one or the other becomes dominant, but neither is inherently “superior” as many ill informed people often assume. Quantum mechanics is a “newer science” yes but new science doesn’t obsolete older science like classical physics all it dose is explain phenomena the older science couldn’t in this case various aspects of the universe at the quantum scale that class physics has issues dealing with.

Quantum physics can’t be used to “defy” physical laws as the interactions of the various sub-atomic particles and forces at the quantum scale are ultimately what underlies and causes those laws to begin with! The rampant abuse of quantum mechanics by lazy writers without a clue what it really is pisses me off to no end.


I don't want you to leave the thread of anything and you can go crazy like this if you want, but I also won't tolerate any attempt to say that this stuff is support by canon and not totally your own creation. That's my main point it's your universe do what you want, but don't pretend you're adhering even vaguely to canon or that this is logical extrapolation. Ultimately this to me is an intellectual dispute you seem to feel canon somewhat supports your interpretation, I don't and I'll say so. That's important this isn't even really about the merits of the story or characters (though the monstrous power level dose turn me off in that regard) it's mostly about whether any of this can be consider to be within the realm of possible canon I don't think it is, and I like to stick close to canon in terms of tech and overall power level hence my disagreement.

On that note it is also perhaps something of a debate about the direction writers and the fanon should be taking the universe post StrikerS if we go down you’re road I fear we could end up like DBZ some some new random power up every other week and tossing out energy blasts that can destroy entire planets in the crossfire. That is NOT the sort of Nanoha Fanon I want to see nor do I think it’s what the creators ever intended.

That said pulling out the "Stop disagreeing and criticizing my ideas or I’ll leave!!!" card is pretty weak.
Ahhh... Finally, the Great Wall of Moderatium Breaker!

Way to go, Tk!
Though the only difference would be just like what Lowe said, Lost Logia CAN be destructive on a planetery level.

(In the fanon I'm using, the Regression Impulse Breaker & Perfect Void collision literally erased a large chunk of a planet, further causing a craptastically large Dimensional Dislocation that completely f**ked up the entire ecosystem; essentially rendering the planet uninhabitable. In any case, I think it's possible. Talk about pushing it, huh?)


Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
@ TK

Hail to the new head moderator!!! (Sorry Aaron)
It seems from what you're written, my characters are for the moment safe. *phew*
*hands over cookies*
No need to be sorry. He deserves it.

Besides, I still play with HAXX. My character's ultimate (and completely suicidal) HAXX deletes those that are hit, deshou? Anyway, if there should there be need to edit that, I'm ready.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2007-09-16 at 05:21.
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:22   Link #10005
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This thread is now OVER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Tk3997 and Chaos2Frozen for getting the 10K Post and Reply!

In celebration....








Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all wickedness that mankind can produce... We will send unto them, only you.
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:26   Link #10006
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

This thread is now OVER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Tk3997 and Chaos2Frozen for getting the 10K Post and Reply!

In celebration....

Spoiler for Image:
And... I have no idea what that says.
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:33   Link #10007
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History has been made... WHEEEEEEE

10k posts ALthough a third of that has been made by three posters.....

@TK. That site you linked before is pretty interesting
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:47   Link #10008
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I will reply to backlog later since I'm studying while trying to farm marks for mount. Work and WoW can mix, but its a hell of an effort unless you're a lock.

In the meantime...

Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

This thread is now OVER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Tk3997 and Chaos2Frozen for getting the 10K Post and Reply!

In celebration....









Erio: What's with that hole in the forums?!
Shari: Subaru punched right out of time space!
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:53   Link #10009
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Summary of Background included

Very brief, and very rush

Spoiler for Cero, Destroyer of Courage:
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Old 2007-09-15, 23:54   Link #10010
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Man sen...Toppa.

Ware wa wasure nai.

Wasure mono ka.


Originally Posted by Saint X View Post

To add fuel to the Keroko harem fire...

I introduce to you...

Spoiler for Project Olympus: Hermes: concept pic:


So, is there going to be another rival for Keroko in the form of...


Oops, wrong guy.

*runs from Chrono*

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Not yet, but things can spiral out of control fast if you don't set some fairly firm limits.
True, considering how some of us were playing the "ah, let him handle it" game with the Destroyers, until recently.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I'm aware of what it was I am a Star Wars freak after all.

Though this is acutally a hard question since we know so little about Nanoha space combat…

For instance we have little idea about any of the follow so far as I know.
The acceleration abilities of starships are largely unknown they can maintain and break orbits at will obviously, but that merely shows they have engines roughly equal to a decent torch drive (so probably at least 4 or 5 Gs of sustained long term thrust it’s probably more but how MUCH more?) Tying into this artificial gravity is in and probably inertial dampening, but to what degree can it counter forces on the ship can it stop any force, some of them, only a few G acceleration etc.

On the FTL side how long dose it take them to transit into dimensional space, can this be blocked, dose it work in gravity wells or other odd astronomical situations. Can it be used tactically? IE a shot hop to get behind the enemy or jump away from a bad situation, or is it to slow/limited by charge time for that to work, hell is it even possible to charge the drives with tactical systems active. Is combat in dimensional space itself possible, if so how easy is it to track enemy ships inside, etc etc.

Weapons systems:
We only ever see a ship fire one weapon main gun style weapon so far as I know. So we don’t even know if they have back up weapons let alone what type and this is a huge issue. If they have little or no point defense for instance a saturation strike of long range missiles could be devastating. It seems crazy they wouldn’t have smaller secondary batteries but I’ve seen dumber designs in anime… Even assuming they have them what yields, fire rates, ranges, etc.
Defensive Systems:
How strong are their shields? Do they have an exploitable weakness such frequency, specific forms of radiation, ineffectiveness against matter, etc etc? How do the shields work do they deflect, absorb, or redirect incoming damage? Do they have a threshold below which they don’t drain, dose any impact drain them, can they be reinforced to different areas of the ship as needed ? Armor, are the ships even armored? If so what kind and how thick? What about damage control?
Power Systems:
How is power generated? Perhaps some form of magical reactor, or maybe some sort of “tap” into dimensional space, could be good old fashion fusion for all we know. Tying into this how stable is it? Meta-stable (requires active measures to keep under control) or inherently stable. Will it fail safe or fail deadly if damaged? For instance in reality if you damage a fusion reactor… it will 99.9% just stop working fusion is incredibly hard to maintain and any disruption is going to stop the reaction not massively intensify it. Anti-Matter on the other hand wants to explode at all times and much be kept from doing so, if you lost containment on it… BOOM. What some sort of energy tap or magical reactor might do is hard to say.
Electronic systems:
We have little clue what they’re sensors can really do against enemy ships in combat conditions or what sort of ECM and ECCM they might employ. How far can they see enemy ships? Are the sensors FTL, STL, a mix of both? Can they be jammed? How easily etc. What about beaming bombs and stuff is that possible? Dose jamming prevent it and if so in what radius or is it so huge it doesn’t matter. Hell can teleporters be stopped? Or could you potentially beam boarders onto enemy ships? (I doubt this, but I suppose it might not be impossible.)
Fighters? Do they have fighters, would fighters be effective? If they don’t have them but they might be would they have any kind of defense against them?

Nanoha Space Combat is nearly virgin ground it seems as we see so little of it even purposing tactics for it is difficult, never mind counter measures against it. That said I find the idea of a Star Forge Style mondo automated shipyard somewhat appealing. Something that they HAVE to take out before it ramps out or they’ll be buried under a tidal wave of enemy ships and that forces them into a giant fleet battle over and around it has potential, you might also be able to get the ground pounders involved in boarding the thing to try and disable key systems and disrupt it’s defenses while the fleet keeps the defenders occupied.

A large fleet on fleet battle is better IMO then a fleet vs. super weapon of doom battle all around as it allows for more actual tactics aside from one side just taking horrible body blows while a small group of heroes races in to try and stop the super weapon. It could help make the "extras" feel more important like they're role is really vital for the mission to work and not like they're just meat shields to distract the enemy and get blown up to fuel the heroes Righteous Angry™ while they do everything.
That's good enough for me.

Aside from the actual ending, a lot of things are still up to grasp. I don't really try to make things over-extreme in that sense anyway, since by the end of the day, Nanoha is not something which puts an over-emphasis on its military structures bar the personnel settings, since it's more about mages themselves along with their personal magic tech rather than side-tech like ships and all that.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
As I said though I tend toward a conservative low end estimate of everything rather then the most extreme high powered interpretation possible (and the low end is often much closer to the truth). The fact that all the Lost Logia we acutally see also all seem to fall WAY short of that kind of damage only reinforces that stance for me. (Jail was apparently cramming Jewel Seeds into Drones for instance and I didn't seem them nuking cites anything... Were they more powerful then average for this? Oh hell yes, world ending? Err... not exactly.) Nor dose messing with space and time instantly imply any kind of "Unlimited POWAH!!!" unless further quantified.
The Jewel Seeds inside those Drones are reverse-engineered nano-seeds. If we take the whole scale thing to argument, considering how small the chip is inside the Drone (( a small Jewel inside one wiring )), it's probably 1/1000000th the power of one complete Jewel.
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Old 2007-09-16, 00:52   Link #10011
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*cue of Hagane no Messiah ~2006 Version~!*

Congratulations for the 10K Barrier Buster, everyone!


Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

This thread is now OVER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Tk3997 and Chaos2Frozen for getting the 10K Post and Reply!

In celebration....







In Heaven, Kamina-sama smiles widely at the new inheritor of the orange sunglasses.

“Iika, Subaru. Wasuren na. Omae wo shinji ro. Ore ga shinji ro omae demo nai. Omae ga shinji ro, ore demo nai. Omae ga shinji ru. Omae wo shinji ro!”


Time to tackle some backlog.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
@ Thread:

In the crusade to have Keroko-chan as many guys around her as possible, here is a snippet:

Spoiler for Childhood:

*Readies anti-ICB shield*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
DO IT!!!!

*runs from Keroko*


Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
*cue standing ovation* It's always a great thing when a fic reaches it's end. Most people never finish their own, so an author who does is very impressive.
Thank you. I'm very flattered. I'll share you one of my e-cookies.


Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post

Heh, yes, possibilities...wait.

Lincoln/Negi...combined with the Numbers...

Spoiler for Um...:

I know the Numbers don't wear skirts, of course...but I counted on Negi's little stunt doing the...other thing.
He has struck!! And what kind of.... things his magic do?


Originally Posted by Kha View Post

Those combo attacks were OVERKILL!!![/Aaron008R]

"This is Madness!"
Rawr! :3


Originally Posted by Dream_Traveller View Post
An interesting piece there. More of Cero, I see. And, yes, Zerglings make good practice, it seems.

With more thanks to SparkZ, it is to you that I present the third of the drawn Letters- F!

Spoiler for Secret Agent Man...:

He isn't colored in, so to speak, due to his IS, Invisible Frame, which, as it suggests, allows him to conceal himself. Also, hence my unfunny spoiler title.

Once again, many thanks to you, SparkZ.
Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
Well, it's done

Spoiler for Hayate & Yui:

Unfortunately, Yui ended up a bit short

Well, here height would be somewhere between Teana's and Erio's

Too bad they haven't announced the height (three sizes too ) of the characters in StrikerS, it'd be easier to define a height of my OC characters
I don't care! These pictures are made of absolute and golden win!!!


Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

Spoiler for GL 25:

This thread is now flooded with manly tears of hotblooded courage and approval.
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Old 2007-09-16, 01:06   Link #10012
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Originally Posted by LoweGear View Post

This thread is now OVER 10000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Tk3997 and Chaos2Frozen for getting the 10K Post and Reply!

In celebration....







ANIKI!!!! o wait.... SUBARU!!!!!

EDIT: damn im stuck at ep 7 cause i can't find 8 on youtube and i cant dl cause most links are dead... wtfuxx

Long Live Lelouch! Waiting for Tales of the World:RM2 USA release
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Old 2007-09-16, 01:23   Link #10013
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to TK: On the destructiveness of Lost Logia:

While individually, most seem to be of a relatively low level compared to conventional physical effects ( book of Darkness excepted), it's possibly (nay, necessary) that some can increase in destructive effect exponentially when used in concert

As is the case in the first series, when Precia Testarossa plans to use the 21 jewel seeds to destroy the Whole Multiverse(!) in order to allow her to slip through the dimensional interval caused at the moment of the multiverse's destruction to travel to Al Hazard (which presumably lies 'outside' it)

In the case of the Book of Darkness, when it goes out of control, it expands infinitely in size, and absorbs everything in the same universe as itself (artificial supermassive black hole?), before then starving and dying off (Singularity evaporation via hawking radiation?), to be reincarnated elsewhere. I think one of the SS mentions that it's killed at least one universe like this in the past.

And of course, there's the events around Al hazard itself.

So the potential for massively destructive Lost Logia, either singly or when combined is there in Canon, it's simply that we don't know the likely incidence of such cases.

I would tend to think these are the exceptions, and that most such Lost Logia capable of such Destruction will in fact have been destroyed as a result of their tendency towards such massive destruction, making extreme level Lost Logia the exception rather than the rule. The point being, the STAB takes no chances, because they Can't know the odds on whether a Lost Logia will be low or extreme level..
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Old 2007-09-16, 02:21   Link #10014
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Originally Posted by stormturmoil View Post
As is the case in the first series, when Precia Testarossa plans to use the 21 jewel seeds to destroy the Whole Multiverse(!) in order to allow her to slip through the dimensional interval caused at the moment of the multiverse's destruction to travel to Al Hazard (which presumably lies 'outside' it)
Wait, what?! Where was this stated?! I always thought it was that she could use their powers to possibly gain accesses to it, and that yeah the collateral damage could be real bad, but I don’t recall anything about destroying the entire fucking universe as a side effect being mentioned! I know they talk about several (to me that probably means more then 3 less then 6) at full power causing great damage. (imagery of an abyss style tidal wave, huge volcanic eruptions and such is shown), but it's a bit of a leap from possibly up to a forth of them being "fuck up a couple planets pretty bad" level to all of them being "blow up the multi-verse"!!!

This also begs the question WHO THE FUCK in their right mind would build something like that?!

In the case of the Book of Darkness, when it goes out of control, it expands infinitely in size, and absorbs everything in the same universe as itself (artificial supermassive black hole?), before then starving and dying off (Singularity evaporation via hawking radiation?), to be reincarnated elsewhere. I think one of the SS mentions that it's killed at least one universe like this in the past.
This is what I like to call a “No Limits Fallacy”

Also you THINK its stated find it and then we’ll talk. I personally find this hard to believe in any case as even if we assume the effect propagates outward forever at say LIGHTSPEED it would take ohhh 10+ billion years to consume a universe our size… that’s gonna take awhile. I also enjoy how it’s apparently going to gain enough power to destroy a fucking universe from at best a few hundred linker cores… yeah THAT makes sense.

The way I see anything that can get smacked down by a couple decent mages and one warship isn’t any kind of universe ending threat. Never mind the fact it’s apparently been active and known to the TSAB for a fair period of time and I think the fact it took out a fucking universe might warrant I don’t know a mention in the show if true. I also love how apparently this thing that’s going to destroy the universe takes the forum of nothing more then an ugly mass of tentacles and heads… Seriously how the FUCK was that thing supposed to destroy a universe exactly?

But most of all the fact a single blast from a single warships main gun was able to completely destroy it tells me all I need to know.

Last edited by Tk3997; 2007-09-16 at 02:45.
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Old 2007-09-16, 03:57   Link #10015
Adeptus Animus
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First the biggest thread on the forum, now the first thread with 10.000 posts

I love this place!

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post

Spoiler for info:
Heeeh, I'll look forward to it.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post

To add fuel to the Keroko harem fire...

I introduce to you...

Spoiler for Project Olympus: Hermes: concept pic:

... the homocidal blond?

I kid, I kid.

Originally Posted by Erio View Post
Dont worry. It was just an idea I had anyway.

She was not going to be part of the TSAB, though, but part of another organization similar to it. The TSAB only has influence over a very small part of the universe, so it shouldnt be surprising if at another point of the universe there exists another similar organization... I wanted to explore such idea.
It just sprang into my mind when I came across one particular picture, one that also made me change Tesla's hairstyle:

Spoiler for So sweet:

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Wait, what?! Where was this stated?! I always thought it was that she could use their powers to possibly gain accesses to it, and that yeah the collateral damage could be real bad, but I don’t recall anything about destroying the entire fucking universe as a side effect being mentioned! I know they talk about several (to me that probably means more then 3 less then 6) at full power causing great damage. (imagery of an abyss style tidal wave, huge volcanic eruptions and such is shown), but it's a bit of a leap from possibly up to a forth of them being "fuck up a couple planets pretty bad" level to all of them being "blow up the multi-verse"!!!
I'm a bit sceptical about the entire multiverse, but it was said repeatedly that the damage would be scattered over several dimensions. Also, before the ordeal was over, the earth was quite litteraly being torn apart.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
This also begs the question WHO THE FUCK in their right mind would build something like that?!
People are already willing to live in the path of destruction with dams and nuclear reactors, and who knows, Jewel Seeds may just have been some form of batteries for the inhabitants of Alhazarhed.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
This is what I like to call a “No Limits Fallacy”

Also you THINK its stated find it and then we’ll talk. I personally find this hard to believe in any case as even if we assume the effect propagates outward forever at say LIGHTSPEED it would take ohhh 10+ billion years to consume a universe our size… that’s gonna take awhile. I also enjoy how it’s apparently going to gain enough power to destroy a fucking universe from at best a few hundred linker cores… yeah THAT makes sense.

The way I see anything that can get smacked down by a couple decent mages and one warship isn’t any kind of universe ending threat. Never mind the fact it’s apparently been active and known to the TSAB for a fair period of time and I think the fact it took out a fucking universe might warrant I don’t know a mention in the show if true. I also love how apparently this thing that’s going to destroy the universe takes the forum of nothing more then an ugly mass of tentacles and heads… Seriously how the FUCK was that thing supposed to destroy a universe exactly?

But most of all the fact a single blast from a single warships main gun was able to completely destroy it tells me all I need to know.
Not completely destroy it, but that's beside the point. I think that entire universes is a bit exagerated as well, but we do know that Yami no Sho has the potential to destroy entire worlds (by accident no less), and yet can be defeated by a single blast from a warship. Greater power does not need equal power to destroy.

Last edited by Keroko; 2007-09-16 at 05:04.
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Old 2007-09-16, 04:29   Link #10016
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Whoa whoa whoa!

I never said I supported these accusations of universe destroying power, merely that these are some of the examples the show has thrown our way as to why the Bureau is so afraid of Lost Logia. There are several flaws in each, but while we as outsiders can see these, it's possible the characters (eg the bureau) can't, and so assume a bigger threat than is there.

In the case of Precia Testarossa, she said that only at the point where, 'everything else was destroyed' could she find the path to Alhazard among the cracks.

That could be exageration. it could be wrong. It could even be understatement. We don't know. Since Precia's crazy, we can't really say if anything she says can be taken seriously, but the Bureau apparently doesn't want to take the risk.

In the case of the book of Darkness, our description of it from Yuuno is perhaps deliberately vague; we know it's big threat, but how big isn't fully expounded on.

but one thing: just because it's easily dealt with is no guarantee of lack of power; being able to safely dsimantle a thermonuclear bomb is no indication of it lacking in power when detonated. Just because the Book of Darkness can be temporarily interupted by a relatively low level response does not infer anything about it's eventual destructive capabilities.
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Old 2007-09-16, 04:56   Link #10017
Sleepy head
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Thanks to Tk,

On topic: Will post 2nd char soon. Doing some adjustments.

Last edited by FieryAeon; 2007-09-16 at 05:09.
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Old 2007-09-16, 05:30   Link #10018
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
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Originally Posted by Satty View Post
Another nice picture by the one and only FlameSparkZ, James F, huh
I guess we can call him James Fond
*gets sniped*

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post


So nice... Hayate came out perfectly!

And Yui sure ended up way shorter than I expected... Considering how short Hayate is supposed to be...


Sein looks tsun-tsun there.
Anyway, F also reminds me of the Lucky Star version of Daisuke Ono.
Hmm...Ono Daisuke, huh? Just missing the rose

Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
I don't care! These pictures are made of absolute and golden win!!!

The next one I'm doing will be a funny one with Treize and Cinque

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

So, is there going to be another rival for Keroko in the form of...


Oops, wrong guy.

*runs from Chrono*
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Old 2007-09-16, 05:41   Link #10019
Obey me world!
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
I guess we can call him James Fond
*gets sniped*

Hmm...Ono Daisuke, huh? Just missing the rose

The next one I'm doing will be a funny one with Treize and Cinque

O_O your drawings are good, where the hell did you learn how to draw like that, and MOAR please

Long Live Lelouch! Waiting for Tales of the World:RM2 USA release
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Old 2007-09-16, 06:54   Link #10020
Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Satty View Post
Congrats to you then; you have made history here....

Anyway, another preview for SearcherS 9....

Spoiler for SearcherS 9-preview 2:

Reference for that "object":
Spoiler for for space:
Aha! A nice preview shown indeed, seems you've taken a leaf out of GitS' book, too. Not that that's bad, of course...

@Saint X:

Yet another known face, for Hermes that is. Interesting...will we see the others in the near future? Since we've seen Athena, now Hermes, and all.

@Tk and Chaos: Excellent work! 10,000 posts! Now onward...

TO 11,000!


Chrno, eh?


Woah, woah, woah, woah.

More Trieze and Cinque in store?


And James Fond, eh?

And here's a little segment for something unique I'm doing...if any of you remember the small scenario in which Teana began to face off against N, you'll most likely catch what this is based off of.

Spoiler for Hm...:

I know Griffith might not have been the best substitute for Otacon, and the same goes with...well, you can guess, for Fox. I did decide to leave the stealth camouflage bit out, but...I might put it back in if I revise this.

But, do tell me what you all think, fellow readers.
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