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Old 2023-08-20, 03:40   Link #161
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^ Mahouka (MKnR) has quite a lot of "trying to change" the school. Sure, the main group pushing for changes is just a tool for foreign power and terrorists, but Miyuki is trying to change the unwritten rules for her brother and the school president (Mayumi) is working on making things slightly better too.
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Old 2023-08-20, 04:11   Link #162
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Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't majority of threats in Mahouka external? I don't think one had to risk their lifes just by going to toilet at night.
"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" (Charles R. Swindoll)
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Old 2023-08-20, 12:07   Link #163
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^ I thought you are speaking generally about improving the school. Otherwise, there really aren't any other magic school settings as messed up as this one where everything being dangerous is just the normal state.
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Old 2023-08-20, 14:46   Link #164
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Damn. After all that has happened I trust NONE. I only see enemies everywhere. I suppose that school is not for me.
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Old 2023-08-21, 12:37   Link #165
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Originally Posted by frubam View Post
I just hope this is a legit group that supports people who are like Pete and not some 'nice on the outside, evil in the shadows' group that aims to only use them for their unethical purposes.
Yea, I was wondering that too. I have similar feelings to alex:
Originally Posted by alex_drian View Post
Damn. After all that has happened I trust NONE. I only see enemies everywhere. I suppose that school is not for me.
I suspect everyone at this point lol

Originally Posted by Applehell View Post
Imao, its becoming a pretty common thing. Its weird because Chela is a pretty affordable person so would think she would be hard to dislike.
I assume you meant she is affable, unless she's actually a discount hooker or something
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Old 2023-08-21, 23:11   Link #166
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Originally Posted by Strahan View Post
lI assume you meant she is affable, unless she's actually a discount hooker or something
Yeah, lmao
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Old 2023-08-25, 12:02   Link #167
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Oh look, it's Quidditch! Expect it's more of a contact sport where you just kind of beat each other up in the sky. Perfect for Nanao !

This Rossi guy is so swarmy and cocky, especially the way he just forces his way into a conversation with the main group. And then he takes Pete out. Did he know about Pete's gender change too ?

Oh no, mom and dad are fighting over the best sword style to teach Pete! I love how they both clamped down on Nanao teaching Pete to fight like her. But hey, why not just combine their specialties and give Pete as comprehensive run through of the basics as they can ?

Dang, the main characters are just trying to eat and Rossi just calls them out for their main character status and organizes a 1st year tournament arc with a bunch of 1st years vying to be the best. Not that it took Nanao two seconds to agree to it .

Evelynn's reputation proceeds her...that is, how fast she talks. To the point where Nanao completely missed what she was trying to say. And then she loses to Nanao just as quickly. She's not getting a cooler nickname any time soon .

Oliver was lucky enough to encounter Ophelia in the labyrinth when she's in a good mood so they can share a conversation. Seems like Ophelia used to be close to Godfrey and Carols when they were 1st years, and she and Shannon are friends (or at least Shannon tries to be there for Lia because she apparently gets really lonely with the way she is now). She also warns Oliver about being in the labyrinth over the next month. Is something going to be loose in there or is she talking about when she'll be out on the prowl again ?

Well, nice to have a nice little hidey-hole for Oliver and his siblings where they can hang out, relax, and, I assume, plot their next murder. They also talk about Nanao and how it seems like a big reason Oliver is drawn to her is because she reminds him so much of his mother, and it seems like his siblings more or less approve of his interest in her...just keep it on the down low .

Figures Rossi wouldn't leave Oliver alone so he could challenge him privately, or that he'd fight dirty, but Oliver isn't about to lose to some dude when he's got bigger fish to fry and teaches Rossi that the traditional forms still have their advantage over straight up brawling. Oliver may not have any special talent or innate ability like others do, even his Spellblade is inherited, but his mastery of form and function is second to none .

That turned kind of morbid when Carste was offering herself up for Oliver to kill to improve his blade...but it seems like she's been just acting this whole time, down to her deep voice. She's actually your typical, cute, high-pitched loli .

Makoto Furukawa!? He's picking a fight with Rossi, I'm guessing he'll target either Oliver, Chela, or Nanao next .
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Old 2023-08-25, 17:53   Link #168
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I guess this is the tournament arc of this series? I'm guessing the next episodes will involve fighting with Stacy, Fay and the unknown guy at the end. I'm surprised that Andrews didn't jump in at the opportunity to challenge Oliver & Nanao. Heck he didn't appear at all! It also serves as a great opportunity for world building on the sword styles and judging distances to use spells or sword.

It's also nice to see some quiet moments between Oliver & his cousins and find out more about how they act around each other outside of their mission. Ms. Carste also shown a surprising side to her at the end.
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Old 2023-08-25, 19:33   Link #169
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I'll agree that it's a waste for Oliver to kill Carste to maintain his edge or whatever . Far too cute to lose for something like that. I get that she's dedicated to her role and is trying to act in a way that's fitting for it. Even if that's not exactly her natural side.

Oliver does have a lot on his plate. Probably doesn't see any talents for himself. He's just brutally dedicated himself to revenge and has worked himself to the bone for it. But in exchange he knows how to make full of the style he fights with. Same with the spellblade. It might not be something he attained through his own unique talent, but it is something that he can use in a practical sense. And that's good enough for what he's doing.

I like that he tried to give Rossi some advice. Though whether he'll be able to take advantage of it remains to be seen. He's almost certain to lose this coming fight and who knows what state he'll be in after that...
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Old 2023-08-25, 21:21   Link #170
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Pretty nice ep this week. Oliver & Tullio's duel was quite good particularity in the choreography. More interesting tho is the reveal about the connections that hint at deeper history between the older students & Ophelia being "uh" surprisingly ...normal.

Oliver post-duel conversation with Rossi hopefully settles the idea he's actually OP. It goes back to what Darius said about his generalist skillset not necessarily being a good thing in the long run. In fact the reality is that Nanao actually has potential to far stronger himself will even if he's more rounded atm. So Oliver isn't so much better most of his peers because of talent, just the insane amount effort separates him from them and how he keeps up.

One of the smaller scenes I liked a lot from the novels. Last time we saw Ophelia she left a pretty terrifying & disturbing impression on us but here we get surprising amount humanity from her that we didn't at that time. Heck Oliver even gets friendly warning (in her own way)foreshadowing something. While you still wouldn't call her kind, her smalltalk, supposed past relationships with Godfrey, Carlos and Sherwood siblings certainly presents the that she also someone who more than what she seems. Perhaps going off Shannon's words Oliver just met her in a rare moment of vulnerability.

And yes Teresa is super cute lol
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Old 2023-08-26, 06:17   Link #171
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^ I wouldn't be surprised if the "Perfume" her body produces is the work of one of the professors. It must be rough to be a social person who gets easily lonely when you have a constitution making it impossible to get close to anyone without making him into a h***y dog. That's likely the reason why she spends most time in the labyrinth (to reduce collateral damage), and the long loneliness is certainly not helping her character.

Teresa was really cute, but I wonder whether the "whetstone" talk was just a mood thing or whether actually cutting her would give Oliver some material boost. She is a special being after all.
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Old 2023-08-26, 09:08   Link #172
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Originally Posted by Rasty View Post
^ I wouldn't be surprised if the "Perfume" her body produces is the work of one of the professors. It must be rough to be a social person who gets easily lonely when you have a constitution making it impossible to get close to anyone without making him into a h***y dog. That's likely the reason why she spends most time in the labyrinth (to reduce collateral damage), and the long loneliness is certainly not helping her character.

Teresa was really cute, but I wonder whether the "whetstone" talk was just a mood thing or whether actually cutting her would give Oliver some material boost. She is a special being after all.
I saw someone else online call her Chuuni, which...might explain a lot .
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Old 2023-08-30, 14:10   Link #173
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Old 2023-08-30, 16:40   Link #174
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Originally Posted by EroKing View Post
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Nanao looks great in a swimsuit, and we probably won't see a beach/pool episode in this show, though it would be kind of funny to think of how people would react to her exposed back .
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Old 2023-09-01, 12:02   Link #175
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Good thing Oliver has experience helping people with an imbalance in their mana flow so he can help Pete through his struggle with his female body. Seems like he also had a esspecially poignant experience with a pregnant woman (his mom?). Also, topless Pete! If you're going to shift gender, at least you get a pretty sizeable chest out of it. Also Pete is so cute now Oliver can't resist giving him headpats .

The friend group taking learning the truth about Pete well, with Chela demonstrating the utility of a woman's' womb when it comes to storing and unleashing their magic, and Katie basically thinking of Pete as a gal pal she can shop clothes with now. Also careful who you lift your skirt up in front of, Nanao .

Jeez, Stacy sure took it personally that Pete impressed her uncle, I didn't think she'd have it this out for him. And she seemed especially keen on making him miserable and talking down to him during their duel, with Pete still too inexperienced and unskilled to quite match her...until she gets too cocky and gives him an opening. It's not really a win, but it's something .

Rossi still talks a big game, but credit where credit's due, he warns Oliver about the guy he fought, praises Pete for his improvement, and actually seems committed to practicing the basics again .

Poor Chela. Even her cousin hates her guts for stuff that she had no control over .

It's sweet seeing Katie still trying to talk to the troll. And I guess if anything good's come out of the Milligan situation, it's Milligan gifting Katie her workshop in the labyrinth as a bit of an apology. And, yeah, someone like Katie probably isn't quite ready to brave the labyrinth on a consistent basis, but if she's ever going to make headway in improving things for Magical Fauna and making a difference, she better start now and seize the opportunity. All the better with her friends by her side. And what kids could resist having their own secret base ?

Katie really did just have to put them in the path of seeing as many magical fauna as they could? Although when she got Guy's butt stabbed she kind of earned that face pulling. Also pouting Katie is adorable .

Oh wow, BBQ in the Dungeon? I can get behind this club. Especially when you've got Kevin Walker, a dude who survived six months in the dungeon and then returned after they'd already held his funeral. That's hardcore. Also that cute merchant girl. Some people really make their living out of the dungeon .

Milligan had a pretty spacious place, there's room for the whole group to do their own thing and make this their own personal Fortress of Solitude (Oliver now has, like, two secret bases). Pretty swanky .

Considering what we've seen of the people Chela grew up with and how they treat her, I'm not surprised she feels so strongly about having genuine friends and people she can experience stuff like this with for once in her life. It's rather touching .

The Sword Rose are born! Who knows what the future brings, but they will always have this present moment and the time they had with each other, especially this one where they locked their blades together into a rose like in the OP. And it's especially meaningful for Oliver knowing that moments like these may become fewer and far between as he edges deeper into his revenge quest .

I see Stacy is making her way into the tournament...and is now going to target the group out of her personal grudge. I don't see this ending well .
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Old 2023-09-01, 14:00   Link #176
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Its great to have an episode with such a nice leisurely pace compared to the previous episodes. Not that I mind the breakneck speed of the previous episodes either, but this kinda pace is more suited for the more relaxed episodes such as this. It sometimes feels like like we can't take a breath in the more hectic episodes.

We get to see more of Pete's struggle and character development. Its nice to see him steadily improve throughout the series.

We also get shown other aspects of the Labyrinth other than a place of constant mortal peril. There's just a sense of wonder and exploration to the place that we've never seen yet, along with the more friendly colorful inhabitants.
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Old 2023-09-03, 06:59   Link #177
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Originally Posted by Rasty View Post
^ I wouldn't be surprised if the "Perfume" her body produces is the work of one of the professors. It must be rough to be a social person who gets easily lonely when you have a constitution making it impossible to get close to anyone without making him into a h***y dog. That's likely the reason why she spends most time in the labyrinth (to reduce collateral damage), and the long loneliness is certainly not helping her character.
With the introduction of sex-based magical traits as concept, its more likely for it to just be something Ophelia was born with rather than she got from someone else.

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Good thing Oliver has experience helping people with an imbalance in their mana flow so he can help Pete through his struggle with his female body. Seems like he also had a esspecially poignant experience with a pregnant woman (his mom?).
If you listen to the voice closely, its actually Shannon. What even more interesting is compare to LN where it was just mentioned offhandedly with a single word, the anime gave us short flashback that gives anime onlies even more context as in how that related to Oliver

The Sword Rose are born! Who knows what the future brings, but they will always have this present moment and the time they had with each other, especially this one where they locked their blades together into a rose like in the OP. And it's especially meaningful for Oliver knowing that moments like these may become fewer and far between as he edges deeper into his revenge quest .
The production team nailed the camaraderie in that really well. I'm pleased.

Last edited by Applehell; 2023-09-03 at 07:09.
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Old 2023-09-03, 11:45   Link #178
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Originally Posted by Applehell View Post
If you listen to the voice closely, its actually Shannon. What even more interesting is compare to LN where it was just mentioned offhandedly with a single word, the anime gave us short flashback that gives anime onlies even more context as in how that related to Oliver.
Gender fluidity and teen pregnancy in my magical school anime ?
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Old 2023-09-08, 12:00   Link #179
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Aw, they're having their first sleepover together as a group in the workshop! And classic Katie being the first one to fall asleep because she's so happy and comfortable .

Morning training with Oliver and Nanao! Oliver is mentoring Nanao in her spellcraft, especially when she still has a long ways to go. She hasn't even been able to replicate the Seventh Spellbade yet. Though she also just wants to lock blades with Oliver, which I assume because that's practically foreplay in her culture .

I had a feeling Katie would bring the Troll with her, but I wasn't expecting to see Milligan again. But I guess it's her old workshop and she has resources as an older student that Katie will need, and she's willing to let bygones be bygones, especially when she ultimately shares the same goal as Katie. Though making her severed hand into a sentient pet that follows her around and spooks Pete makes it clear she's still a little nutty .

Marco has joined the Sword Roses! It's sweet how they've named him and accepted him. Although Katie better watch out before he gives the game away about her massive crush on Oliver .

So ordinarily it might be safer to avoid the second layer of the dungeon, the forest section, but Stacy and Fay aren't about to let Michela get away without a challenge. And then Makoto Furukawa strolls in as Albright, someone from a family of combat mages, who is ready to make it a 3 vs 3 matchup, setting up the major duel of the episode .

Figures they'd switch partners, leaving Oliver to face off against Albright. He's obviously dismissive of Oliver and underestimates him, especially for his insistent on practical forms, but Oliver knows how to make the most of his spells and abilities and manages to nick Albright. I bet by the end of this Oliver won't just be a nobody to him any more .

Stacy is really committed to defeating Chela, and Fay is absolutely loyal to her because she basically made her father adopt him as her servant rather than just killing him when they were kids. Of course the animal elements of Fay's character aren't just for show, he's actually a werewolf and can even transform! That definitely shifted this fight around !

Why is Stacy so obsessed with Chela? Even to the point of risking Fay's health despite the fact that it's clear they genuinely care about each other and Fay was there for her when no one else was? It seems like her father never praised her, and wasn't even her real father, all because she was adopted to be some kind of "spare" for Michela and treated as such. And this is related to Michela's father somehow? Stacy wants to see her real father? I feel like there's more to explore here .

I don't really think Stacy and Fay have a great chance against Chela and Nanao, but at this point they need to win for the good of the former two .
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Old 2023-09-08, 15:21   Link #180
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Even the under the context that of quite a number of the upperclassmen are off-kitter, only Miligan has enough screws loose to turn her literal disarmament into a joke for kicks. Makes her a class of her own in that area, but its also what makes her fun.
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