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Old 2017-09-23, 21:52   Link #3021
Dann of Thursday
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Originally Posted by MK-95- View Post
I also look forward to all of the new scenes and I hope they aren't placed in there pointlessly to fill space, but actually serve a bit of a purpose for leading up to the sequel or at least fleshing out major developments that didn't get the focus they deserved in the original series.

Lastly, despite them revealing the release dates for the 2nd and 3rd movies as well, I'm still a bit skeptical and somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm half-expecting delays...
Hopefully so, though I feel scenes leading to the sequel would probably be saved for the last movie unless they flesh out details that lead into whatever is going on like more stuff about Geass. I'm keeping expectations low for those though.

Of the stuff in the trailer that seemed new (memory could just be bad though):
-C.C. lying on her bed seeming to speak, either to herself or Marianne I'd imagine.
-Lelouch playing darts in his Zero outfit. Seems to be talking so I'm guessing he's speaking with C.C.
-Shirley seeming to look for someone among destroyed buildings.
-Euphemia and Arthur presumably with Suzaku (first time they meet I'd guess?).
-Conversation among the Black Knights.
-Kallen with other members in a Chinese dress for some reason. Infiltration would be my guess?
-C.C. observing Lelouch with Nunnally and her eyes doing that weird shimmer effect I see sometimes in shows.

Nothing outwardly all that interesting, but I'd not expect much out of the new scenes.

Based on the preview it looks like we get at least through Narita, though I'm curious just how far this first film will end up going since it could give us a better idea for the rest. The question of what is getting cut is another important factor. I keep wondering if the the second film will cover part of the first season and part of R2, but it feels like the shift there could be strange. I don't relish the idea of them trying to condense all of R2 into a single film, though hypothetically it could be possible.

Personally the third film is the one I'm most curious in regards to new scenes with since, aside from likely being the film that would likely have the most scenes that could lead up to the new project, there's a lot of opportunity to have new scenes going over certain periods that were glossed over such as the period before Lelouch takes the throne as well as more scenes throughout that period which I think have potential.

I'm actually not that concerned about them not meeting the dates. Other than the new scenes, the rest of the films seems to be reusing footage from the show which should cut down on the time needed to make these. The re-recording of the dialog adds some time of course, but I'm not sure how much it would be. I guess I could see it getting delayed if they're still planning on these new scenes or whatever.

Still, it feels like it would be good timing to have whatever this new project is premier after these movies as a fall release wouldn't seem too out there. No idea on the chances of that are given just how little info we have.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
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Old 2017-09-24, 21:29   Link #3022
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I worry a bit about these additional scenes they're adding. I say this because those little snippets of the new material they teased, didn't exactly seem like they're gonna be game-changers with regard to influencing the general direction of whatever development from the original series they're supposed to be expanding on.

Then again, this is only the first of a three-part movie series, so I guess the majority of the development-expanding and plot-altering material would be added in the 2nd and 3rd movies.

Also, as you've noted, there's almost unlimited potential to be capitalized upon in the second season. Particularly, the period between Charle's death/Lelouch usurping of the throne and also, the period between the aftermath of the final battle and Lelouch's death.

I feel as tho these two periods would be crucial in laying the foundations for the sequel series since these periods can be expanded upon to include Lelouch's plans after his death or to even show whether his survival/revival was planned all along.
"When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?" - Lelouch vi Britannia as Zero.
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Old 2017-09-25, 08:43   Link #3023
Dann of Thursday
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Yeah, nothing we're seeing here seems especially noteworthy though that could always change. We'll have to rely on word of mouth after all since we aren't likely to be able to actually see them for quite some time. The other concern is that in addition to new scenes they still need to fit in the actual plot.

I'm legit curious if they'll straight up alter the plot. Things getting cut is inevitable but it would seem weird if stuff from the original series was invalidated. I suppose these are meant to catch up newcomers to the show as the main goal with the new scenes and hints towards the new project (if those are in these) being the draw for people already familiar.

Only thing about those periods is that I'm not sure if they'd try to preserve the twist of Lelouch planning his own death and you could potentially spoil it with some of those scenes. Like post final battle, do you show or focus on Suzaku at all since he's meant to be dead by that point or are they not even going to pretend if they do scenes in that period?

But yeah, those periods seem to be the ones that would be most prime for new scenes. I wouldn't be surprised if maybe they end the last movie with some sort of new trailer for the new project.

I'd wondered if maybe they'll draw any attention to dropped plot points from the series, but that's expecting too much. Probably best to keep expectations low and hope for some interesting new scenes. It'd be funny if none of them in any of the films end up mattering at all.
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Old 2017-09-27, 15:01   Link #3024
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I just can't believe they're still using the same outdated graphical engine.
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Old 2017-09-28, 00:40   Link #3025
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From what was being shown at the moment, I suspect that the new scenes might follow the example of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Like most of you here, I am going to take a wait and see approach. I recall making a lot of speculations about the show in 2008, and burned a lot of bridges when I speculated that we would get to see more dialog between Milly and Lelouch, as well as a few flashback moments between Marianne and the Ashford Family members. None of which happened in either in R1 or R2.

I want to say for anyone that I might have offended with my opinions in 2008, I am sorry. I got caught up with a lot of heated debates that used to occur on this forum. It's been 9 years since the last episode of Code Geass R2 was shown, which put a lot of my speculation to rest with Lelouch's death, which I felt was a cope out as I never thought that the producers would take a page from the Death Note where the protagonist(Light Yagami) dies in the most pathetic way possible. This time, I will not make any speculations on either the upcoming movies or the new TV show. I certainly do not wish to relive the heated debates about the characters of 2008. Take care.
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Old 2017-09-28, 01:40   Link #3026
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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I felt was a cope out as I never thought that the producers would take a page from the Death Note where the protagonist(Light Yagami) dies in the most pathetic way possible.
Then you learned nothing. Lulu began the story as a liar, and ended the story as a liar. He planned his own death, and had it broadcast on live television internationally. There is nothing pathetic about his death, it was a show.

Note that he COULD have faked his death. He just choose not to. He wanted to die.

Now, how did he survive? Many explanations are possible. But remember, one thing that was constant about Code Geass, is that no one who wanted to die, ever managed to. Suzaku tried to die for the majority of the show and failed. Everyone who actually died didn't want to. And now it makes sense that Lulu himself failed his own suicide, regardless of how it occurred. It is consistent. Those who wish to die, do not get the privilege.
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Old 2017-09-28, 11:41   Link #3027
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Then you learned nothing. Lulu began the story as a liar, and ended the story as a liar. He planned his own death, and had it broadcast on live television internationally. There is nothing pathetic about his death, it was a show.

Note that he COULD have faked his death. He just choose not to. He wanted to die.

Now, how did he survive? Many explanations are possible. But remember, one thing that was constant about Code Geass, is that no one who wanted to die, ever managed to. Suzaku tried to die for the majority of the show and failed. Everyone who actually died didn't want to. And now it makes sense that Lulu himself failed his own suicide, regardless of how it occurred. It is consistent. Those who wish to die, do not get the privilege.
Remember this about a Code Geass user. For the Code to be activated(aka C.C., Emperor Charles, and Lelouch) their hearts has to be stabbed through the chest. In my opinion, Lelouch did die, only for his Geass to be exchanged for the Code, which was given to him by Charles when he grabbed his son's neck. But the Code remained dormant until the used get stabbed through the heart and dies. He is then reborn as an immortal who provides a Geass contract. That is just my theory.

In retrospect, I compared Lelouch's death at the time to Light Yagami death because of the notion that the protagonist of the show dies at the end. Recalled that I said that in 2008, I thought that Lelouch's death was compared to Light Yagami death whereby his death seemed pathetic. I could accept that Lelouch died had Charles not grabbed his neck(with the Code in his palm), thereby transferring the immortal curse. As you said Lelouch wanted to die. But if he obtained the Code, then his efforts was for nothing. If he was shot in the head at the end of the series(and his body in a casket coffin), then I would have believed that he died.

I feel that the reason to why Lelouch lies throughout the entire series was due to his father's proclamation that he's dead to him. For a 10 year old child who was told those words, it's more than enough to mentally screw up his mental state. For some reason, I feel that Charles not only Geass Nunnally into thinking that she was blind, but also used the same power on Lelouch as well because I do not believe that he would actually tell Lelouch that he was dead to him in front of the Royal Court. Otherwise, why didn't his half-siblings(those who were close to Lelouch) like Cornelia, Clovis, and Euphemia made mention of it? Anyone who was in the Royal Court when Lelouch arrived to talk to Charles about his mother would have talked about it. I believe that Lelouch's encounter with Charles as a 10 year old was an implanted memory cause by his memory altering Geass. I also suspect that V.V. didn't know that Lelouch or Nunnally was sent to Japan. Otherwise, he would have killed Lelouch on the spot. I remember that another reason why Lelouch was sent to Japan was for C.C. to make a contract with him since she left Britannia following Marianne's death by V.V., who hated her. If Lelouch had stayed in Britannia, V.V. would have killed him as well. One can say that the creation of Zero was actually Emperor Charles, designed to cause chaos in Area 11 while he goes to the Thought Evevator unabated. He never thought that Lelouch would arrived to stop his plan from coming true.

Lelouch was just a tool created to attract C.C. in order for Charles to take her Code.

Last edited by darthfury78; 2017-09-30 at 01:40.
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Old 2017-10-01, 04:47   Link #3028
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*wipes dust off profile as last post was 10 years ago*
I do hope this possible plot is the one they pick for the new CG season, failed suicide sounds like perfect Karma for Lelouch after he failed to complete his contract with C.C.
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Old 2017-10-01, 12:27   Link #3029
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Originally Posted by Nilie View Post
*wipes dust off profile as last post was 10 years ago*
I do hope this possible plot is the one they pick for the new CG season, failed suicide sounds like perfect Karma for Lelouch after he failed to complete his contract with C.C.
Lelouch did complete his contract with C.C., which was to make her happy rather then kill her to obtain the Code. Charles has already given Lelouch his Code unbeknownst to him. A contract between the Immortal and a Geass user does not require that person to take to Code, even if they have the Geass in both eyes. If Lelouch manage to have been revived at the time of the Zero Requiem, he would have been locked up because of his powers of destruction. That's the price for telling lies.
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Old 2017-10-04, 16:26   Link #3030
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I do believe they will play that card, Lelouch doubtlessly did take the code from his father. I don't think he'll have as good a relationship with C.C as when they were under contract. I hope not. I may ship it but I want development for all the characters. I can't wait for more on Zero Suzaku and his interactions with Nanally and Kallen. I hope my excitement is rewarded, my fear is that there might appear so many new characters the old ones won't get their screen time. Like C.C in R2.
If you want to be part of the "Kururugi Suzaku is not a bad guys fanclub" Just add KSINABGFC to the siggy! XD
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Old 2017-10-08, 09:38   Link #3031
Mad Pierrot
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Info about the first Code Geass movie. Spoilers of course
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Old 2017-10-08, 18:16   Link #3032
Dann of Thursday
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Originally Posted by Mad Pierrot View Post
Info about the first Code Geass movie. Spoilers of course
Hmm very interesting. Redoing some events to get to the point faster does save time.

Spoiler for Movie Spoilers:
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
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Old 2017-10-14, 16:58   Link #3033
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Originally Posted by Mad Pierrot View Post
Info about the first Code Geass movie. Spoilers of course
/spoilers ahoy, that spoiler sign-thingie isn't working rn or smth apparently :

Hum, they left the Mao part out completely from the first one? Surprised at that; not only his arc affected Shirley's, but it was also intertwined with C.C's, and that was the first time we took a glimpse at her past (and how eventually Geass does screw up one's life)
I felt like his story had a huge impact in S1, and it also led to one of the most iconic C.C/Lelouch scenes in the rooftop. You ask me, they shouldn't wait till the second movie to include that one (and apparently, that's not even sure?) but I'm eager to see the new additions.

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Old 2017-10-14, 18:59   Link #3034
Les Pays Bass
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Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday View Post
Hmm very interesting. Redoing some events to get to the point faster does save time.

Spoiler for Movie Spoilers:
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Old 2017-10-14, 20:16   Link #3035
Dann of Thursday
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Originally Posted by kipzizz View Post
/spoilers ahoy, that spoiler sign-thingie isn't working rn or smth apparently :

Spoiler for spoiler:
Spoiler for spoiler:

Originally Posted by blakstealth View Post
Spoiler for spoiler:
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
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Old 2017-10-14, 20:44   Link #3036
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Originally Posted by Dann of Thursday View Post
Spoiler for spoiler:

Spoiler for spoiler:
Well yeah, I mean that's the difference between a full 50 episodes series and a 3 recap movies, ain't it? You can't include everything. Still, personally, if I were to pinpoint to a signficant C.C scene from S1, it'd be everything around Mao and the closure of that arc; like, definitely top-3.

Same goes for Kallen and her mother; there are some very crucial parts that can fleshen out a character, you can't leave out.

But we'll see- maybe they will extend other parts that may have gone un-noticed or were subtle or whatever.

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Old 2017-10-14, 21:58   Link #3037
Dann of Thursday
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Originally Posted by kipzizz View Post
Well yeah, I mean that's the difference between a full 50 episodes series and a 3 recap movies, ain't it? You can't include everything. Still, personally, if I were to pinpoint to a signficant C.C scene from S1, it'd be everything around Mao and the closure of that arc; like, definitely top-3.

Same goes for Kallen and her mother; there are some very crucial parts that can fleshen out a character, you can't leave out.

But we'll see- maybe they will extend other parts that may have gone un-noticed or were subtle or whatever.
Oh no, I get that. There were going to be cuts no matter what. I suppose it's more interesting to see what they actually end up cutting, thinking on why they chose to cut it, and wondering how they'll get around any issues those cuts may represent. Totally agree on that being an important moment for her character. The other two would be the Narita cave scene and the one before the final battle. I hope the former is still in and we'll have to wait till the next film to see if the latter is kept.

I feel like you'd need to keep that bit with her mother since it's an important part of her motivation, even if it barely if ever gets brought up after that (can I get a new scene with her visiting her mom?).

That's what I'm really curious about. The mention of how they got to the point quicker when Kallen suspected Lelouch makes me wonder where else they could apply something like that.

For instance, ditch the whole amnesiac C.C. plotline entirely. You lose some cute scenes of course, but ultimately it didn't do much aside from deprive Lelouch of presence and isolate him further at that point in the series. As an alternative, have it be that instead of C.C. isolating simply her mind in C's World, have it be that she did it in body too. You cut out all those other scenes with her, but still get Lelouch isolated (and arguably more devastated since it would appear he failed to save her at all) and you can just lead into Marianne getting her.

I'm trying to figure where else you could do that. Cutting the school festival and Cupid Day would save a lot of time (roughly two episodes), though there are important scenes there. Maybe cut down on that whole period Lelouch got super mopey about Nunnally being governor too.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
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Old 2017-10-15, 02:13   Link #3038
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I trust the animation director.
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Old 2017-10-27, 18:50   Link #3039
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Originally Posted by kipzizz View Post
Well yeah, I mean that's the difference between a full 50 episodes series and a 3 recap movies, ain't it? You can't include everything. Still, personally, if I were to pinpoint to a signficant C.C scene from S1, it'd be everything around Mao and the closure of that arc; like, definitely top-3.

Same goes for Kallen and her mother; there are some very crucial parts that can fleshen out a character, you can't leave out.

But we'll see- maybe they will extend other parts that may have gone un-noticed or were subtle or whatever.
I suspect that the producers want to focus on Lelouch as the primary Geass user. It would be interesting to see how the first part of the movie ends, provided that Lelouch had not reach the thought elevator before then...
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Old 2017-10-28, 12:09   Link #3040
Dann of Thursday
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Been a few reddit threads about the changes and what the film covers as well as the release of a new Picture Drama that from what I understand was given away for free to attendees on certain days.

Changes and Summary:

Picture Drama link and translation from Reddit:
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, if you want to test a man's character give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
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